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. 2020 Oct 12;7:337. doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-00679-9

Table 3.

Currently supported Protein Ontology RESTful API endpoints.

API Operation Group API Access Path* Description
PRO Terms /pros Search PRO terms.
/pros/{proIds} Return PRO terms by IDs.
Proteoform Terms /proforms/modification Returns a list of modified protein forms.
/proforms/modification/phosphorylated Returns a list of phosphorylated protein forms.
/proforms/modification/methylated Returns a list of methylated protein forms.
/proforms/modification/acetylated Returns a list of acetylated protein forms.
/proforms/modification/ubiquitinated Returns a list of ubiquitinated protein forms.
/proforms/modification/glycosylated Returns a list of glycosylated protein forms.
/proforms/orthoisoform Returns a list of ortho-isoform protein forms.
/proforms/orthomodform Returns a list of ortho-modform protein forms.
/proforms/sequence Returns a list of sequence level protein forms.
/proforms/organism-sequence Returns a list of organism-sequence level protein forms.
Protein Evolutionary Terms /proevos/family Returns a list of family level protein terms.
/proevos/gene Returns a list of gene level protein terms.
/proevos/organism-gene Returns a list of organism-gene level protein terms.
Protein Complex Terms /procomps/organism Returns a list of organism specific protein complex terms.
/procomps Returns a list of organism non-specific protein complex terms.
Database Cross-references /dbxrefs/EcoCyc_ID Returns a list of PRO terms with EcoCyC ID as cross-reference.
/dbxrefs/HGNC_ID Returns a list of PRO terms with HGNC ID as cross-reference.
/dbxrefs/MGI_ID Returns a list of PRO terms with MGI ID as cross-reference.
/dbxrefs/Ontology_ID Returns a list of PRO terms with Ontology ID as cross-reference.
/dbxrefs/PANTHER_ID Returns a list of PRO terms with PANTHER ID as cross-reference.
/dbxrefs/PIRSF_ID Returns a list of PRO terms with PIRSF ID as cross-reference.
/dbxrefs/PMID Returns a list of PRO terms with PMID as cross-reference.
/dbxrefs/Reactome_ID Returns a list of PRO terms with Reactome ID as cross-reference.
/dbxrefs/NCBITaxon_ID Returns a list of PRO terms with NCBI Taxon ID as cross-reference.
/dbxrefs/UniProtKB_ID Returns a list of PRO terms with UniProtKB ID as cross-reference.
PRO Annotation File /paf/{proIds} Returns annotations for the given PRO ID(s).
OBO File /obo/{proIds} Returns PRO term in OBO format for the given PRO ID(s).
DAG /dag/parent/{proIds} Returns direct parent PRO terms by the given PRO ID(s).
/dag/ancestor/{proIds} Returns direct and indirect parent PRO terms by the given PRO ID(s).
/dag/children/{proIds} Returns direct children PRO terms by the given PRO ID(s).
/dag/descendant/{proIds} Returns direct and indirect children PRO terms by the given PRO ID(s).
/dag/hierarchy/{proId} Returns hierarchy of PRO terms by the given PRO ID.