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. 2020 Jun 4;11(5):793–801. doi: 10.1007/s41999-020-00337-8

Table 1.

Fried Phenotype: FRIED-P including performance-based measures for weakness and slowness and FRIED-Q including self-report questions for weakness and slowness

Weight loss In the last year, have you lost more than 10 lb unintentionally? In the last year, have you lost more than 10 lb unintentionally?

How often in the last week did you feel this way?

(a) I felt that everything I did was an effort

(b) I could not get going

How often in the last week did you feel this way?

(a) I felt that everything I did was an effort

(b) I could not get going

Low physical activity Do you do sports activities (e.g., walking, swimming, or cycling)? Do you do sports activities (e.g., walking, swimming, or cycling)?
Weakness Participants were asked to squeeze as hard as possible on the dynamometer (Saehan)

(1) Do you have trouble watering plants with a spray bottle?

(2) Do you feel like you have less hand strength than other people your age?

Slowness Participants were asked to walk time/15 feet

(1) When the doorbell rings, do you usually get there in time to open the door?

(2) Do you walk more slowly than you would like?

(3) Do you have enough time to cross the street on foot when the traffic light turns green?

(4) Do you encounter problems in daily life due to poor balance?

An item was positive if: (a) weight loss was answered with yes; (b) exhaustion was answered with 3–4 days or more a week to either of these questions; (c) low physical activity was answered monthly or less; (d) weakness was answered yes on at least one question; and (e) slowness had a score 3 or higher. For slowness every question was assigned a score 1, except question 2 which was assigned a score of 2, since it contributed substantially more to the total score than any of the other questions. The scores were summed (0–5), and the cutoff score is 3