Table 1.
Justifications for including race (R) and ethnicity (E) variables in research
Role of the R & E variable |
Purpose of R & E variable | Sample medical education research question using R & E variables |
Grouping | To examine similarities or differences between R or E groups and/or subgroups based on a dependent (outcome) variable | Is there a significant difference in medical students’ access to professional mentors by R or E group? |
Mediating | To examine whether R or E explains the relationship between an independent (predictor) and dependent (outcome) variable | Is the association between socioeconomic status and students’ perceptions of the medical school learning environment reduced when R or E are considered? |
Moderating | To examine whether the strength of the relationship between an independent (predictor) and dependent variable (outcome) varies by R or E groups | Does the relationship between social support and well-being vary by R or E group? |