Table 2.
Advantages and disadvantages of various data collection methods
Category type | Advantage(s) | Disadvantage(s) | Example |
Multiple-response (exclusive) categories: Multiple options provided; respondent can only select ONE pre-established category [33] |
Maintains original unit(s) of analysis Provides more complete and accurate data [34] Aligns data with most statistical analyses [33] Permits respondents to self-report identity and allows researchers to collect rich data [35] |
Provides less data per category which increases the risk of error in interpreting outcomes [36] Forces respondents into discrete category that does not allow for fluid or broad self-identification [37] |
Respondent must select one option from White, African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian |
Multiple-response (inclusive) categories: Multiple options provided; respondent can select MULTIPLE options from pre-established categories [33] |
Introduces issues related to comparability of samples across multiple data sets [38] Forces researcher to decide how individuals fit into certain categories [37] Counts multiracial respondents as members of each individual racial or ethnic group they select which inflates the number of respondents in denominator [33] |
Respondent may select multiple options from White-non-Hispanic, African American, American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian | |
Combined categoriesa: Multiple options combined to define new categories |
Simplifies statistical analysis, interpretation and presentation of results [39] Increases cell size when discrete categories are too small [40] |
Limits conclusions to broad assumptions and generalizations about respondents within groups [41, 42] Perpetuates obsolete majority/minority discourse when using certain binary frameworks (e.g., White/non-White) [34] Uses subjective labels that can perpetuate bias/stereotypes [43] Increases the risk of a false positive result [44] Underestimates the extent of variation between groups by not fully accounting for within group variability [26] |
Respondent must select either URiMb [45] or Non-URiM |
aCombined categories also can represent collapsed and dichotomous categories
bURiM Underrepresented in medicine