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. 2020 Sep 29;11:585393. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.585393
A age [a]
Apt active area of the patch [m2]
ci α drug concentration of substance α in material i [kg m-3]
csc,max α maximal concentration in the stratum corneum [kg m-3]
cpt,iniα initial concentration in the patch [kg m-3]
dsc thickness of stratum corneum [m]
dep thickness of epidermis [m]
dvep thickness of viable epidermis [m]
dpt thickness of patch [m]
Di α diffusion coefficient/diffusivity of substance α in material i [m2 s-1]
Gbl,up(t) uptake flow rate in blood at a specific point in time [kg s-1]
Gpt,rel(t) release flow rate of patch at a specific point in time [kg s-1]
gbl,up(t) uptake flux across the skin into the blood at a specific point in time [kg m-2 s-1]
KA/B α partition coefficient between material A and B for substance α
Ko/w α partition coefficient between octanol and water for substance α
Ki α drug capacity of substance α in material i [-]
Lpt length (or width) of patch (reservoir) [m]
Lsk length (or width) of skin [m]
mpt,ini initial amount of drugs contained in the patch [kg]
mpt,res(t) remaining (residual) amount of drugs contained in the patch at a specific point in time [kg]
mep,stor(t) total amount of drugs stored in the epidermis at a specific point in time [kg]
mpt,rel(t) cumulative amount of drugs released by the patch at a specific point in time [kg]
mbl,up(t) cumulative amount of drugs taken up by the blood flow at a specific point in time [kg]
R diffusive resistance of a material [s m-1]
Ss α volumetric source term for substance α [kg m-3s-1]
SU,Xj relative sensitivity of U to a change in Xj
t time [s]
t1/2 half-uptake-time [s]
U process quantity
Xj model input parameter
Ybl,up fractional drug release of the patch [-]
Greek symbols
α substance indicator
ψα drug potential of substance α [kg m-3]
bl blood
i material indicator
ini initial
sc stratum corneum
ep epidermis
vep viable epidermis
ini initial
fin final
up uptake
rel release
stor stored
sk skin
pt patch
HUT half-uptake-time
TDDS transdermal drug delivery systems