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. 2020 Sep 29;11:586795. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.586795

Table 1.

Adrenergic receptors-mediated responses of effector organs (9).

Effector organs Receptor type Responses Most relevant clinical manifestations
 Radial muscle, iris α1 Contraction (mydriasis) ++ Blurry vision
 Ciliary muscle β2 Relaxation for far vision +
 SA node β1, β2 Increase in heart rate ++ Palpitations, angina
 Atria β1, β2 Increase in contractility and conduction velocity ++
 AV node β1, β2 Increase in contractility and conduction velocity +++
His-Purkinje system β1, β2 Increase in contractility and conduction velocity +++
 Ventricles β1, β2 Increase in contractility and conduction velocity, automaticity, and rate of idioventricular pacemakers +++
 Coronary α1, α2, β2 Constriction +, dilations ++ Angina
 Skin and mucosa α1, α2 Constriction +++ Pallor
 Skeletal muscle α1, β2 Constriction ++, dilations ++ Hypertension
 Cerebral α1 Constriction (slight) Stroke
 Pulmonary α1, β2 Constriction +, dilations ++ Edema
 Abdominal viscera α1, β2 Constriction +++, dilations + E.g., Bowel ischemia
 Salivary glands α1, α2 Constriction +++
 Renal α1, α2, β1, β2 Constriction +++, dilations + Renal failure
 Veins (systemic) α1, α2, β2 Constriction ++, dilations ++ Orthostatic hypotension
 Tracheal and bronchial muscle β2 Relaxation +
 Bronchial glands α1, β2 Decreased secretion; increased secretion
 Motility and tone α1, α2, β2 Decrease (usually) + Early satiety, discomfort
 Sphincters α1 Contraction (usually) +
 Motility and tone α1, α2, β1, β2 Decrease + Constipation, ileus
 Sphincters α1 Contraction (usually) +
 Secretion α2 Inhibition Constipation
Gallbladder and ducts β2 Relaxation + Gallstones
 Renin secretion α1, β2 Decrease +, increase ++
Urinary bladder
Detrusor β2 Relaxation (usually) + Urinary retention
 Trigone and sphincter α1 Contraction ++
 Motility and tone α1 Increase
Uterus α1, β2 Pregnant: contraction; relaxation
Nonpregnant: relaxation
Sex organs, male α1 Ejaculation ++
 Pilomotor muscles α1 Contraction ++
 Sweat glands α1 Localized secretion + Sweating
Spleen capsule α1, β2 Contraction ++, relaxation +
Skeletal muscle β2 Increased contractility; glycogenolysis; K+ uptake Hyperglycemia, glycosuria
 Acini α Decreased secretion +
 Islet (β cells) α2 Decreased secretion +++ Hyperglycemia, glycosuria
β2 Increased secretion + Hypoglycemia
Fat cells α2, β1, β2 Lipolysis +++ (thermogenesis) Feeling warm
Salivary glands α1 K+ and water secretion +
β Amylase secretion +
Lacrimal glands α Secretion + Lacrimation
Pineal gland β Melatonin synthesis
Posterior pituitary β1 Antidiuretic hormone secretion Decreased diuresis

SA, Sinoatrial; AV, atrioventricular. Highest (+++) to lowest (+) intensity of adrenergic nerve activity in the control of various organs and functions. Where (+) is not given, intensity is not specified (8, 9).