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. 2020 Sep 8;12(9):577. doi: 10.3390/toxins12090577

Table 2.

Psychological Distress and Psychological Traits of Patients with chronic migraine (CM) distinguished by Treatment Group.

All Patients OBT-A Withdrawal Treatment
Psychological Outcomes N (%) N (%) N (%) Chi2
Psychological Distress (SCL-90-R) §
General Severity Index (GSI) 8.0 *
T ≤ 54 53 (62.4) 30 (75.0) 23 (51.1)
T 55–64 18 (21.2) 8 (20.0) 10 (22.2)
T ≥ 65 14 (16.5) 2 (5.0) 12 (26.7)
Positive Symptom Distress Index 7.4 *
T < 54 63 (74.1) 35 (87.5) 28 (62.2)
T 55–64 15 (17.7) 4 (10.0) 11 (24.4)
T ≥ 65 7 (8.2) 1 (2.5) 6 (13.3)
Positive Symptom Total 11.4 **
T < 54 36 (42.4) 22 (55.0) 14 (31.1)
T 55–64 29 (34.1) 15 (37.5) 14 (31.1)
T ≥ 65 20 (23.5) 3 (7.5) 17 (37.8)
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) t-test
Perceived Self-Efficacy (GSE) °° 2.8 (0.5) 2.8 (0.5) 2.8 (0.5) 0.4
Coping Strategies (COPE)
Social Support (COPE-SS) ° 30.6 (6.7) 29.9 (6.8) 31.1 (6.6) −0.8
Avoidance (COPE-AS) § 25.3 (6.2) 24.1 (5.1) 26.5 (6.9) −1.8
Positive Attitude (COPE-PA) § 30.8 (6.2) 29.9 (6.2) 31.7 (6.1) −1.3
Problem-Oriented (COPE-PO) § 31.3 (5.7) 30.8 (5.7) 31.8 (5.7) −0.8
Turning to Religion (COPE-TR) ° 22.0 (4.8) 22.3 (5.0) 21.8 (4.6) 0.5
Psychological Inflexibility (AAQ-II) °° 23.3 (10.5) 19.2 (8.9) 26.8 (10.5) −3.6 **
Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) °°
By Significant Others (MSPSS-O) 6.0 (1.3) 5.9 (1.3) 6.2 (1.3) −0.8
By Family (MSPSS-FA) 5.8 (1.6) 5.7 (1.7) 5.8 (1.5) −0.3
By F0riends (MSPSS-FR) 4.8 (1.8) 4.5 (2.0) 5.1 (1.6) −1.6

Legend: OBT-A, OnabotulinumtoxinA Prophylactic Treatment; N, number; %, percentage; SD, standard deviation; SCL-90-R, The Symptom Check List-90-R; GSE, The General Self-Efficacy Scale; COPE, Coping Orientation to the Problems Experienced; SS, Social Support; AS, Avoidance Strategies; PA, Positive Attitude; PO, Problem Oriented; TR, Turning to religion; AAQ-II, The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II; MSPSS, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support; O, by Significant Other; FA, by Family; FR, by friends; * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; °° 1 missing value; § 2 missing values; ° 3 missing values.