Table 4.
A list of reviews on psychological distress and quality of life (2008–2018)
Authors [References] | Year | Main focus | Description/analysis | No. of databases | No. of included studies | Performed QA | Risk of bias assessment | Result(s) |
Reich et al. [73] | 2008 | Impact of depression on QOL | Review | NA | NA | No | No | Treatment of depression improves QOL and may increase longevity |
Duijts et al. [74] | 2011 | Effect of behavioral techniques and physical exercise on psychosocial functioning and HRQOL outcomes | Systematic review and meta-analysis | 6 | 56 | No | No | Behavioral techniques and physical exercise improve psychosocial functioning and HRQOL in breast cancer patients and survivors |
Paraskevi [75] | 2012 | QOL outcomes | Review | 4 | NA | No | No | Psychological distress-anxiety and depression were common among BC patients. Pain, fatigue, and insomnia were the most common symptoms reported |
Matsuda et al. [76] | 2014 | Effectiveness of psychoeducational support on quality of life | Systematic review and meta-analysis | CENTRAL | 8 | No | Yes | Psychosocial support in improving BC symptoms and in improving emotional well-being is effective within 6 months post-intervention |
Chow et al. [77] | 2016 | Body Image and QOL | Review | 5 | 13 | NA | NA | BC survivors were reported a poorer body image and deterioration in their QOL after treatment. There was not enough evidence of the correlation between body image and QOL |
Ye et al. [78] | 2018 | Efficacy of cognitive behavior therapy on QOL and psychological health of survivors | Meta-analysis | 4 | 10 | Yes | Yes | Due to the effectiveness of therapy for psychological symptoms, cognitive behavior therapy should be used as the intervention |
Abrahams et al. [79] | 2018 | Relationship of fatigue with QOL and factors that can be addressed in psychological interventions | Systematic review | 5 | 57 | Yes | No | Moderate to strong evidence appeared for a relationship of fatigue with depressive symptoms, anxiety, distress, sleep disturbances, lower physical activity levels, pain, difficulties with coping with cancer, and catastrophizing about symptoms |
QA quality appraisal, NA not available, QOL quality of life, HRQOL health-related quality of life, NA not applicable, CENTRAL Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, BCS breast cancer survivors