Table 5.
A list of age-related reviews on quality of life in breast cancer patients (2008–2018)
Authors [References] | Year | Main focus | Description/analysis | No. of databases | No. of included studies | Performed QA | Risk of bias assessment | Result(s) |
Ballinger and Fallowfield [80] | 2009 | Assessment of QOL in older patients | Review | NA | 25 | No | No | The long-term survivorship studies indicate that older patients are perhaps better equipped mentally to deal with treatments |
Munoz [81] | 2010 | Quality of life during treatment in young patients | Review | NA | NA | No | No | Patients who undergone mastectomy have worse body image and disturbances in their sexual life. Patients treated with mastectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy are those with the greatest impairment. Also, sexual activity is negatively affected by chemotherapy |
Rosenberg and Partridge [82] | 2013 | QOL related to physical and psychosocial functioning in young premature menopause patients | Review | NA | NA | No | No | Effective strategies as an intervention should be applied to relieve symptoms and improve QOL in younger age groups |
Samuel et al. [83] | 2016 | HRQOL in young black survivors | Systematic review | 5 | 6 | Yes | No | Young black BCS generally experience suboptimal HRQOL after breast cancer diagnosis |
QA quality appraisal, NA not available, HRQO health-related quality of life, QOL quality of life, BCS breast cancer survivors