1. Management of dizziness/vertigo in specific conditions |
317 |
Chronic dizziness/vertigo |
62 |
Chronic dizziness/vertigo |
10 |
Persistent Perceptual Postural Dizziness (PPPD) |
35 |
Visual vertigo/Visually Induced Dizziness |
8 |
Mal de Debarquement syndrome (MdDS) |
6 |
Motion sickness |
3 |
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) |
45 |
Recurrent BPPV |
10 |
Other |
35 |
Vestibular migraine |
42 |
Ageing and falls (presbyvestibulopathy, multiple sensory deficit) |
35 |
Menière’s disease/hydrops |
23 |
Unilateral vestibular hypofunction (vestibular neuritis) |
21 |
Cervicogenic dizziness |
19 |
Central nervous disease (stroke, multiple sclerosis) |
18 |
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI, concussion, commotion) |
16 |
Bilateral vestibular hypofunction |
14 |
Other (children, orthostatic, vestibular paroxysmia) |
14 |
2. Evaluating effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation (VR) |
246 |
Efficacy of different VR protocols in different diseases |
61 |
Outcome measures |
49 |
Vestibular function (caloric testing) |
5 |
Balance |
6 |
Impact of disease (quality of life, work) |
5 |
To monitor compensation/progress |
3 |
Other (best?, subjective or objective?, oculomotor testing) |
30 |
Optimal parameters for VR (frequency/duration/length/dosage) |
26 |
VR-setting (self/individual/group/telerehabilitation/on line) |
24 |
Incorporation of rehabilitation technology (virtual reality, OKS) |
24 |
Efficacy of VR compared to other treatments |
16 |
Psychological treatment in VR (cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness) |
15 |
Timing of VR |
11 |
Other (medication, multidisciplinary care, different models of care, holistic) |
20 |
3. Understanding vestibular compensation and dizziness |
206 |
Models and mechanisms (psychological factors, sensory reweighting, etiology) |
83 |
Education of physiotherapist (PT) |
26 |
Care pathways (and how to improve them) |
24 |
Developing of diagnostic algorithms |
18 |
Factors influencing compensation |
18 |
Epidemiology (prevalence of, frequency of) |
11 |
Role of PT in diagnostics |
10 |
Other |
16 |
4. Other (remuneration, artificial labyrinth, differences between countries…) |
7 |
5. No answer (blank, do not know) |
182 |