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. 2020 Oct 12;5(10):e003109. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-003109

Table 2.

Relationship between correlates and childhood morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa

Variables Had fever
(n=189 069)
Had cough
(n=189 069)
Had diarrhoea
(n=189 069)
No n (%) Yes n (%) P value No n (%) Yes n (%) P value No n (%) Yes n (%) P value
 Mother’s age 147 083 (77.8) 41 986 (22.2) 145 324 (76.9) 43 709 (23.1) 158 885 (84.0) 30 205 (16.0)
 15–24 40 550 (76.5) 12 433 (23.5) 39 726 (75.0) 13 249 (25.0) 42 709 (80.6) 10 278 (19.4)
 25–34 72 025 (78.3) 19 968 (21.7) 70 964 (77.2) 21 010 (22.8) 78 009 (84.8) 13 997 (15.2)
 35+ 34 508 (78.3) 9585 (21.7) <0.001 34 634 (78.6) 9450 (21.4) <0.001 38 167 (86.6) 5930 (13.4) <0.001
 None 61 694 (79.6) 15 849 (20.4) 64 353 (83.0) 13 165 (17.0) 65 514 (84.5) 12 046 (15.5)
 Primary 48 041 (75.0) 15 991 (25.0) 46 529 (72.7) 17 501 (27.3) 53 000 (82.8) 11 035 (17.2)
 Secondary/higher 37 348 (78.6) 10 146 (21.4) <0.001 34 442 (72.5) 13 043 (27.5) <0.001 40 371 (85.0) 7124 (15.0) <0.001
Household wealth
 Poorest 38 207 (76.6) 11 674 (23.4) 38 525 (77.3) 11 346 (22.7) 41 449 (83.1) 8438 (16.9)
 Poorer 31 283 (76.6) 9541 (23.4) 31 502 (77.2) 9313 (22.8) 33 892 (83.0) 6939 (17.0)
 Middle 28 210 (77.7) 8099 (22.3) 28 054 (77.3) 8251 (22.7) 30 528 (84.1) 5784 (15.9)
 Richer 26 123 (78.6) 7101 (21.4) 25 480 (76.7) 7732 (23.3) 28 123 (84.6) 5103 (15.4)
 Richest 23 260 (80.7) 5571 (19.3) <0.001 21 763 (75.5) 7067 (24.5) <0.001 24 893 (86.3) 3941 (13.7) <0.001
 Urban 45 365 (79.3) 11 820 (20.7) 43 286 (75.7) 13 891 (24.3) 48 438 (84.7) 8756 (15.3)
 Rural 101 718 (77.1) 30 166 (22.9) <0.001 102 038 (77.4) 29 818 (22.6) <0.001 110 447 (83.7) 21 449 (16.3) <0.001
 Not working 57 101 (81.0) 13 358 (19.0) 55 850 (79.3) 14 596 (20.7) 59 368 (84.2) 11 104 (15.8)
 Working 82 252 (75.9) 26 127 (24.1) <0.001 82 906 (76.5) 25 452 (23.5) <0.001 90 852 (83.8) 17 532 (16.2) 0.018
Media exposure
 Not exposed 55 704 (78.2) 15 575 (21.9) 56 507 (79.3) 14 754 (20.7) 59 805 (83.9) 11 489 (16.1)
 Exposed 91 181 (77.6) 26 330 (22.4) 0.005 88 612 (75.4) 28 881 (24.6) <0.001 98 847 (84.1) 18 672 (15.9) 0.193
ANC attendance
 Never attended 13 127 (78.2) 3667 (21.8) 13 579 (80.9) 3212 (19.1) 13 863 (82.5) 2933 (17.5)
 Attended 87 661 (75.4) 28 559 (24.6) <0.001 85 769 (73.8) 30 441 (26.2) <0.001 94 270 (81.1) 21 952 (18.9) <0.001
Sex of child
 Male 73 928 (77.6) 21 397 (22.4) 73 337 (77.0) 21 972 (23.0) 79 589 (83.5) 15 751 (16.5)
 Female 73 155 (78.0) 20 589 (22.0) 0.011 71 987 (76.8) 21 737 (23.2) 0.473 79 296 (84.0) 14 454 (16.0) <0.001
Child’s age (months)
 0–11 32 928 (78.3) 9110 (21.7) 32 016 (76.2) 10 016 (23.8) 34 213 (81.4) 7825 (18.6)
 12–23 28 408 (72.6) 10 748 (27.4) 28 559 (73.0) 10 590 (27.0) 29 189 (74.5) 9970 (25.5)
 24–59 85 747 (79.5) 22 128 (20.5) <0.001 84 749 (78.6) 23 103 (21.4) <0.001 95 483 (88.5) 12 410 (11.5) <0.001
Ever had vaccine
 No 11 081 (83.3) 2216 (16.7) 11 348 (85.4) 1946 (14.6) 11 574 (87.0) 1727 (13.0)
 Yes 37 101 (76.0) 11 693 (24.0) <0.001 37 118 (76.1) 11 654 (23.9) <0.001 40 244 (82.5) 8557 (17.5) <0.001
Birth order
 First-order birth 82 792 (78.4) 22 812 (21.6) 80 074 (75.8) 25 517 (24.2) 88 713 (84.0) 16 908 (16.0)
 Second-order birth 45 001 (77.4) 13 120 (22.6) 45 363 (78.1) 12 745 (21.9) 48 914 (84.2) 9208 (15.8)
 Third or higher order birth 19 290 (76.1) 6054 (23.9) <0.001 19 887 (78.5) 5447 (21.5) <0.001 21 258 (83.9) 4089 (16.1) 0.519
Child’s size at birth
 Large 47 096 (76.4) 14 562 (23.6) 46 827 (76.0) 14 822 (24.0) 51 136 (82.9) 10 526 (17.1)
 Average 67 693 (79.6) 17 338 (20.4) 67 422 (79.3) 17 643 (20.7) 72 709 (85.4) 12 385 (14.6)
 Small 22 132 (75.6) 7145 (24.4) <0.001 22 022 (75.2) 7246 (24.8) <0.001 23 857 (81.5) 5423 (18.5) <0.001
Source of water
 Improved 94 890 (78.0) 26 776 (22.0) 93 071 (76.5) 28 565 (23.5) 102 471 (84.2) 19 205 (15.8)
 Non-improved 49 569 (77.4) 14 461 (22.6) 0.004 49 768 (77.7) 14 256 (22.3) <0.001 53 660 (83.8) 10 381 (16.2) 0.017
Type of toilet facility
 Improved 56 106 (78.3) 15 552 (21.7) 53 814 (75.1) 17 804 (24.9) 60 637 (84.7) 10 995 (15.4)
 Non-improved 88 346 (77.5) 25 722 (22.5) <0.001 89 014 (78.1) 25 028 (21.9) <0.001 95 494 (83.7) 18 591 (16.3) <0.001

ANC, antenatal care.