a) Overall structure of PfMyoA•ΔNter-PR. (
b) PfMyoA•ΔNter-PR and PfMyoA•FL-PR superimpose perfectly (rmsd 0.330 Å), indicating that the deletion does not change or alter the protein fold. (
c) The PR state of PfMyoA•FL displays a kink in the lever arm at the pliant region (orange). The converter thus becomes far from the α5* and α5*’ helices, which are destabilized (not modeled since no density is indicated in the electron density map). (
d) Crystal packing shows that the kinked lever arm is involved in a large surface of the crystal packing. (
e), (
f), (
g) Small-angle X-ray scattering experiment investigating the conformation of PfMyoA in solution. (
e) When the motor is bound to ADP and Pi analogs, the theoretical curve computed from the PfMyoA•FL-PPS structure (chain A) fits well to the SAXS experimental curve (χ
2 = 3.32). (
f) When the motor is bound to MgADP, the experimental curve fits poorly to the theoretical curve from the kinked PfMyoA•FL-PR crystal structure (χ
2 = 302), (
g) The SAXS experimental curve fits better to the theoretical curve obtained from a model of the PR state in which no kink occurs at the end of the converter (open conformation) (χ
2 = 19.2). (
h) A fit of the theoretical curve in the PR condition with the software Oligomer (
Ryan et al., 2020). The fit has been performed with the closed PfMyoA•FL-PR structure obtained from the crystal with a kink at the pliant region (interface A) and a computed open PfMyoA•FL-PR structure (interface B from the PfMyoA•FL-PPS structure) (see
Figure 1). Calculations predict 98% of the sample in the open conformation (χ
2 = 8.69).