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. 2020 Oct 13;10:17153. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-73604-0

Figure 1.

Figure 1

DSCA representative results of cross-correlation analysis in one subject according to baseline, occlusion, and release periods at supine posture. (a) Measurement positions of blood flow index (BFI) based on foot angiosome with four-channel DSCA probes on subject’s sole. (b) Raw BFI data. (1) Baseline period in tilt posture. (2) Posture change period. (3) Baseline period in supine posture. (4) Cuff-occlusion period in supine posture. (5) Release period in supine posture. (c) Detrended, normalized (processed), and filtered BFI with band pass filter (BPF) based on sectioned BFIs (Left: Baseline period in supine posture; Center: Cuff-occlusion period in supine posture; Right: Release period in supine posture). (d) Cross correlation analyses among four channels based on (c). (e) Maximum value and its lag time analysis in Ch.1 Ch.2 relationship.