Figure 1.
Normal brain gene co-expression network. (A) The right panel represents the whole gene co-expression network (GCN) constructed from 1671 GTEx brain RNAseq samples from 13 different brain regions. The left panel is the corresponding t-SNE visualization for the 1691 brain GCN genes where RNA expression profiles sorted regions into multiple clusters. Each color represents a different region shown in the legend. (B) Six brain region mini-GCNs are shown on the right side of each panel. Corresponding t-SNE visualization pictures for those region-specific genes are shown on the left side of each panel. Non-black dots in each tSNE plot represent the corresponding region-specific samples and black dots represent samples from all other regions. For all basal ganglia specific gene sets, red, orange and yellow dots represent caudate basal ganglia, nucleus accumben basal ganglia, and putamen basal ganglia samples respectively. The red and orange dots from cerebellum and cerebellar hemisphere specific gene sets represent cerebellum and cerebellar hemisphere samples respectively. All red dots from other region-specific gene sets represent the particular region-specific samples.