Characteristics of 8-month-old WT and GHR−/− mice. A. Body weight, p<0.0001, t=22.17, df=13. B. Body composition as percent of body weight: Fat p<0.0001, t=10.47, df=13; Lean p=0.0004, t=4.773, df=13; Fluid p=0.1218, t=1.655, df=13. C. Adipose tissue depot weights expressed as percent of total body weight: SubQ p<0.0001, t=9.126, df=13; Epi p=0.0018, Welch-corrected t=4.326, df=9.289; Mes p=0.0446, t=2.223, df=13. D. Serum cytokine levels: IL-6 p=0.3969, U=20; MCP-1 p=0.2654, t=1.937, df=13; TNFα p=0.075, t=1.937, df=13. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. WT n = 8 and GHR−/− n = 8. * indicates a significant difference; p < 0.05.