Fig. 8. Oral administration of S1PR1 antagonists attenuates morphine-induced persistence of neuropathic pain.
Neuropathic pain induced by CCI in male F344 rats treated with saline for 5 days resolved itself by 7–8 weeks post-CCI. In contrast, morphine treatment extended the persistence of neuropathic pain through 8 weeks post-CCI. The interval of morphine-induced persistent sensitization was significantly reduced with intraperitoneal administration of a low dose of FTY720 (0.1 mg/kg/day) during morphine treatment. FTY720 had no effect in saline-treated animals. [Time x treatment: F(27,200)=5.7, p=1.0×10−13, η2p=0.85, n=6/group, 24 animals with no exclusions ]. Results are mean±SEM and analyzed by two-tailed, two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni comparisons. †P<0.05 vs. Veh+Mor.