Extended Data Fig. 6|. Effects of the maternal microbiome on behaviors.
a, Maternal Sp colonization and SPF conventionalization. b, Force filament to induce 50% paw withdrawal (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n=38, 24, 45, 25 offspring). c, Latency to contact the adhesive, and d, latency to remove adhesive after first contact (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n=35, 19, 45, 38 offspring). e-f, Pairwise data for latency to contact and remove adhesive. (Two-way ANOVA+Sidak’s, n=6, 6, 7, 7 dams). g, Force filament to induce 50% paw withdrawal by sex, per litter or individual (Two-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n=5, 7, 7, 7 dams). h, Latency to contact and i, remove adhesive after first contact (Two-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n=6, 6, 7, 11 dams). j, Latency to withdraw from hot plate (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s; n=37, 19, 45, 25 offspring). k, Habituation to acoustic tone (Two-way ANOVA+Tukey’s; n=45, 25, 45, 52 offspring). l, Inhibitory effect of prepulse on startle (Two-way ANOVA+Tukey’s; n=45, 25, 45, 52 offspring). m, Time on rotarod (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s; n=45, 20, 45, 50 offspring). n, Visual depth discrimination. y=0.05, equal instances of exiting safe vs. cliff zone. (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s; n=38, 19, 45, 52 offspring). o, Percent time investigating novel texture (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s; n=20, 15, 29, 18 offspring). p, 4-MM treatment and SPF conventionalization. q, Force filament to induce 50% paw withdrawal (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n=10, 23, 15, 21 offspring). r, Latency to contact and s, remove adhesive after first contact (One-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n=25, 19, 15, 22 offspring). t, Pairwise data for latency to contact and remove adhesive. (Two-way ANOVA+Sidak’s, n = 5, 5 dams). u, Force filament to induce 50% paw withdrawal by sex, per litter or individual (Two-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n=5, 7, 5, 5 dams). v, Latency to contact and w, remove adhesive after first contact. (Two-way ANOVA+Tukey’s, n=6, 6, 5, 5 dams). Data for SPF and ABX in u-w are as in g-i. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001. n.s.=not statistically significant. Number of dams, sex of offspring per group and behavioral task are detailed in Supplementary Table 3.