Fig. 3|. The maternal microbiota modulates maternal serum and fetal brain metabolites during pregnancy.
a, Principal component analysis of maternal serum metabolomes from SPF, ABX, GF, and Sp dams on E14.5 (n = 6 dams) b, Principal component analysis of 567 metabolites detected in fetal brain metabolomes from E14.5 offspring of SPF, ABX, GF, and Sp dams (n = 6 embryos from different dams). c, Significantly regulated E14.5 fetal brain metabolites. Orange=log2fold>0.5. Red=p<0.05. Green=log2fold>0.5 and p<0.05 (One-way ANOVA with FDR contrasts, n=6 embryos from different dams). d, Random Forest classification of top 30 metabolites in E14.5 fetal brain that discriminate between SPF and Sp dams vs. ABX and GF dams. Red= >2-fold decrease in ABX and GF vs. SPF and Sp (n=6 embryos from different dams). e, Select metabolites significantly decreased in E14.5 fetal brains from embryos of ABX and GF dams versus SPF and Sp dams. (One-way ANOVA with FDR contrasts, n=6 embryos from different dams). Mean±SEM. *q<0.05, **q<0.01, ***q<0.001, ****q<0.0001, n.s. = not statistically significant.