KGF and HGF protect the endothelium from H2O2-induced barrier dysfunction. (A,B) HPAEC grown on gold electrodes of ECIS arrays were exposed to the original growth media (B-red), or growth media supplemented with KGF (B-orange), HGF (B-blue), KGF + HGF (B-green), or VEGF concentrations detected in ASC-CM conditioned for 48 h (see Figure 6). Media supplemented with factors were removed after 48 h of pretreatment, and HPAEC were challenged with 250 μM H2O2. For (A), TER values were pooled from three independent experiments, with at least two parallel recordings each, and calculated as fold decrease in TER 30 min after H2O2 addition. (C) HPAEC grown on gold electrodes of ECIS arrays were exposed to the original growth media, or ASC-CM generated by ASC treated with scrambled siRNA, or HGF siRNA. Media were removed after 48 h of pretreatment, and HPAEC were challenged with 250 μM H2O2. Inset shows the concentration of HGF in ASC-CM collected from scrambled RNA-treated and HGF siRNA-treated ASC. (D) HPAEC grown on gold electrodes of ECIS arrays were exposed to the original growth media, or ASC-CM pre-incubated with control IgG or KGF neutralizing antibody. Media were removed after 48 h of pretreatment, and HPAEC were challenged with 250 μM H2O2. (A)
∗Differences detected with one-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc (p < 0.05). (B) Repeated measurements ANOVA detected differences between responses of HPAEC exposed to growth media supplemented with either KGF or HGF (∗), and the original growth media. Differences were also detected between responses of HPAEC exposed to media supplemented with KGF and KGF + HGF (#). (C,D)
∗ Repeated measurements ANOVA detected differences between responses of HPAEC exposed to unmanipulated ASC-CM or ablated ASC-CM. (C, inset) ∗ Differences were detected by t-test (p < 0.05).