Investigating basis of haustoria targeting. (a to d) Transformants coexpressing invertase-GFP with H2B-mCherry during tuber infection. Nuclei (n), haustoria (h), and intercellular mycelia (m) are marked. (e to g) Transformants coexpressing cytoplasmic tdTomato and invertase-GFP in tubers, but unlike in Fig. 8, data were obtained using the ham34 promoter. (h to j) Transformants expressing a fusion of the N-terminal region of INF1 containing its signal peptide with tdTomato, driven by the ham34 promoter, in tuber infection. Note that in panel j, the haustoria extend upward from the hyphae. (k to m) Transformants expressing a fusion of the N-terminal region of HMP1 containing its signal peptide and tdTomato in tubers. Bars, 2.5 μm.