Functional specialization in the precentral cortex. (a) Results of the functional localizers for mapping hand motor (red), mouth motor (blue) and speech perception (green) areas in the sensorimotor cortex. “Hand” localizer was a separate block design task with four conditions: three movement conditions (“thumb,” “index,” “little finger”) and “rest”. “Mouth” localizer was a separate block design task with five conditions: four movement conditions “lips”, “teeth”, “tongue”, “mmmh” (larynx activation) and “rest”. For both localizers (“hand” and “mouth”) the reported results are the r2 statistics obtained on the HFB values per electrode when comparing activity during movement conditions and “rest” (see Methods for details). “Speech” localizer is based on the results of the present study and shows comparison of two conditions: speech and nonspeech fragments, also shown in Figure 1b (t tests on average HFB values). (b) Schematic representation of the functional specialization in the precentral cortex. Dark gray line outlines the central sulcus. Shading refers to the function of the region: hand motor (red), mouth motor (blue) and speech perception (green)