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. 2020 Aug 7;41(16):4718–4729. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25152


List of imaging features contained in each of the clusters identified based on hierarchical clustering (Figure 2). All feature names represent regional volume

Cluster 1
Cuneus Isthmuscingulate Lateraloccipital Lingual
Pericalcarine Precuneus Superiorparietal
Cluster 2
Caudalanteriorcingulate Lateralorbitofrontal Medialorbitofrontal Paracentral
Parsopercularis Parsorbitalis Parstriangularis Postcentral
Posteriorcingulate Precentral Rostralmiddlefrontal Superiorfrontal
Superiortemporal Supramarginal Transversetemporal Insula
Cluster 3
Banks of superior temporal sulcus Fusiform Inferiorparietal Inferiortemporal
Middletemporal Parahippocampal Thalamus Putamen
Hippocampus Amygdala Accumbens
Cluster 4
Caudalanteriorcingulate Entorhinal Rostralanteriorcingulate Frontalpole
Cluster 5
Brain‐stem Cerebellum Caudate Pallidum