Fig. 3.
Representative case of carotid artery stenosis assessed by NIRS scan and histological specimens. A and D indicate fusion image of blood vessel short-axis cross-sectional image and NIRS information by Grayscale-IVUS. B and E indicate chemogram displayed color-coded blocks according to the probability of finding a lipid plaque, if the percentage probability value for lipids was ≥ 0.98. C and F indicate long-axis cross-sectional image of blood vessel and block chemogram by Grayscale-IVUS. mx(4) indicates maxLCBI defined as the maximum value of the LCBI for 4 mm segment of blue bar. Chemogram images of NIRS in vivo (A–C; upper) and ex vivo (D–F; lower), indicating similar maxLCBI value before and after CAE. CAE: carotid endoarterectomy, IVUS: intravascular ultrasound, maxLCBI: maximum lipid core burden index, NIRS: Near-infrared spectroscopy.