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. 2020 Sep 16;9(9):1304. doi: 10.3390/foods9091304

Table 4.

Medicinal uses of yam (Dioscorea species).

Species Source of Extract Biological Properties/Administration Reference
D. alata Tuber/bulb Cure piles, gonorrhea and leprosy, anti-inflammatory, purgative, diuretic, anti-rheumatic properties; prevent cancer, reduce blood sugar, diabetes [200,201] 2, [202,203] 1
Tuber Antihelminthic properties [204,205] 2
Leaf Fever [206] 2
D. bartletti Rhizome Stagnation of blood, anemia [207] 2
D. belophylla Tuber Treatment of fever, dysentery, headache and malaria [208] 2
D. bulbifera Tuber Treatment of dementia [209] 1
Treatment of diabetes [210] 1
Leprosy and tumors [211,212] 1
Microbial infections and pig cysticercosis [213] 1
Antispasmodic, analgesic, aphrodisiac, diuretic and rejuvenative tonic [214] 1
Effects on liver and heart, reduces carbuncles, lung abscesses, breast lumps, goiter [212] 1
Abdominal pain [215,216] 2
Cough [217] 2
Oral contraceptive. [218,219] 2
Raw tuber consumed as an appetizer [220] 2
Rheumatism [221] 2
Aphrodisiac [222] 2
Aerial bulb Oxidative stress induced pathological disorders [210,223] 1
Anthelmintic treatment [224] 1
Leaf Treatment of Elephantiasis [225] 2
Leaf paste fights dermatological diseases [226] 2
Stem Fresh stem shoots are used on hair to fight dandruff [7] 2
D. bellophylla Tuber Lowers blood cholesterol and reduces heart attack [7] 2
D. cayenensis Tuber Anti-diarrheal [206] 2
D. collettii Rhizome Cervical carcinoma, urinary bladder carcinoma, renal tumor [227] 1
D. deltoidea Tuber Digestive disorders, sore throat, diarrhea, abdominal pains, wounds, burns, anemia [228,229,230] 2
Anti-rheumatic and treatment of ophthalmic conditions [231] 2
Antihelmintic treatment [229] 2
Birth control, oral contraceptive [217] 2
Antihelminthic [204,232] 2
D. dumetorum Tuber Treatment of diabetes [233] 1
Control hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia and hyperketonemia [234] 2
Jaundice treatment [235] 2
D. esculenta Tuber Inflammations, nervous disorders and respiratory infections [235] 2
Dysentery and pain relief [7] 2
D. hamittonii Tuber Stomach ache and appetizer [235] 2
Management of diarrhea [236] 2
Piles [220] 2
D. hirtiflora Tuber Gonorrhea treatment [127] 1
D. hispida Leaf/root/tuber Treatment of mole, insect bites and insomnia [225] 2
Tuber Treatment of vomiting, indigestion and serves as a purgative when consumed fresh [7] 2
Treatment of wounds and injuries [219] 2
Ophthalmic ointment [237] 2
D. japonica Rhizome Diarrhea and dysentery due to spleen deficiency, fatigue, wasting and thirsting, seminal emission, vaginal discharge and frequent urination [238] 1
Inflammation, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis [239] 1
coughing and wheezing [239] 1
D. membranacea Rhizome Cancer [240] 1
D. nipponica Rhizome Dissipation of lumps and goiter, clears heat, relieves toxicity, cools the blood, stops bleeding and coughing, calms sneezing, poisonous snake bites, bleeding due to blood-heat and whooping cough [241] 2
Anti-rheumatic, analgesic, aids blood circulation, anti-diuretic, aids digestion [242,243] 1
D. oppositifolia Rhizomes/tuber Relief of menopausal syndromes, rejuvenation of early mothers [220,244] 2
Leaf/flower/tuber Antiseptic for ulcer; the roots are chewed to cure toothache and aphtha [245,246] 2
Tuber Increasing fertility in men [222,236,247] 2
Constituent in epileptic and nasal relief formula [219] 2
D. panthaica Rhizome Gastric diseases, bone injuries, rheumatic arthritis [122] 2
Cardiovascular diseases [248] 1
D. pentaphylla Leaf/vine Treatment of paralysis [225] 2
Tuber/flower/young shoot Rheumatism [7,249] 2
Tuber Pain relief and reduce swelling [219] 2
Stomach disorders [7,250] 2
D. polystachya Rhizome Consumptive cough and dysentery, aid for digestion and gastric motility and for restraining nocturnal emissions [251] 1
D. prazeri Tuber Antihelminthic [204] 2
D. pubera Tuberous rhizome/bulb Cure colic pain [246,252] 2
Tuber Weakness [253] 2
D. septembola Rhizome Rheumatism, urethra, renal infection [254] 1
D. spongiosa Rhizome Rheumatism, urethral, renal infections [255] 2
D. sylvatica Tuber Decoction used to treat cuts, wounds and sores [256] 2
D. trinervia Tuber Chronic diarrhea, asthma and diabetes [7] 2
D. vexans Tuber Anti-fertility [257] 2
D. villosa Rhizome Rheumatism [135] 1, [258] 2
Menstrual complaints, perimenopausal symptoms [259,260] 2
D. wallichii Tuber Flatulence and stomach pain [7,204,261] 2
De-appetizer [222] 2
D. zingiberensis Rhizome Cough, anthrax, rheumatic heart disease, rheum, arthritis, tumefaction, sprain [262] 2

1 Medical study; 2 Ethnobotanical/review study; D. polystachya: Chinese yam formerly known as D. opposita and D. batatas.