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. 2020 Sep 20;21(18):6904. doi: 10.3390/ijms21186904

Table 2.

Studies in musculoskeletal research.

Author, Year (Reference) Condition FD-PRP Based Product/Stability Study Type/Cells/Animal Model Results
Musculoskeletal Pathology
Camargo-Martin L 2019 [51] Equine OA Frozen-PRP vs. FD-PRP vs. filtered FD-PRP
1.5-, 3- and 6-fold platelet enrichment
Equine cartilage explants exposed to PRP, FBS and ITS as controls Better chondroprotective effects with 3-fold PRP products compared to controls
No differences between FD-PRP and frozen PRP
Growney EA 2020 [53] Spine FD-(PRP biofunctionalized alginate) vs. FD-(PRP encapsulated alginate) vs. alginate control
Double spinned PRP
hNPCs viability, adhesion and ECM and GAG secretion in hypoxic and normoxic conditions
Decreased cytotoxicity in the presence of PRP
Increased hNPCs adhesion and distribution in PRP-functionalized alginate
No differences in cell proliferation
Increased GAG content and ECM production in PRP-functionalized alginate in hypoxic conditions
Hahn O 2020 [52] Cartilage conditions FD-PRP vs. PRP powder
Different PRP stimulation frequency and doses
Chondrocyte cultures for 14 days Pro-collagen type 1 and -3, GAGs and cell proliferation were time-dependent and increased with FD-PRP concentration
Jain E 2019 [50] OA Double spin PRP, comparison of bolus PRP vs. FD-PRP encapsulated in PEG Kinetics of VEGF, EGF, PDGF-BB and TGF-b1 release until degradation of hydrogel
IL-1b treated chondrocytes
VEGF and EGF are released on day 1 while TGF-b and PDGF-BB present a sustained release
PRP rescued cell proliferation
No effect on NO synthesis
Does not rescue changes in gene expression induced by IL-1b
Bolus PRP decreased inflammatory NF-kB activation
Kinoshita H 2020 [55] Spine Fresh PRP vs. FD-PRP
Stability: PRP 4 weeks
Osteoblast proliferation and ERK and PDGFR phosphorilation FD-PRP is functionally (phosphorylation mechanisms) equivalent to fresh PRP
Shiga Y 2016 [54] Lumbar fusion FD-PRP (thrombin, CaCl2-activated) + artificial bone vs.
fresh PRP + artificial bone vs.
BMP + artificial bone vs. autologous bone
Spinal posterolateral fusion in rats
Radiography and histology: amount of bone formation, characteristics of trabecular bone
Biomechanical strength (3-point bending test)
PDGF and TGFb1 determinations
(FD-PRP + artificial bone) accelerated bone union at a rate comparable to (fresh PRP + artificial bone) or (BMP + artificial bone)
More trabecular branches and biomechanical rigidity at 8 weeks
Shirata T 2019 [49] OA FD-PRP
Stability: 6 months
Clinical study
Intraarticular injection of FD-PRP (resuspended in normosaline)
Enhanced clinical outcomes (KOOS score)
1, 3, 6 months post treatment
Tendon and Muscle
McCarrell T 2009 [57] Tendon and ligament BMA vs.
PRP vs.
Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon and suspensory ligament explants:
TGF-b1 and PDGF release
TGF-b1 and PDGF concentrations higher in PRPs than BMA
Correlation between GF concentrations and ECM gene expression
PRP and FD-PRP better outcome than BMA
Platelet concentration correlated with ECM gene expression
McClure MJ 2018 [59] Volumetric muscle loss Aligned electrospun polydioxanone vs. random oriented, loaded with FD-PRP powder C2C12 murine myoblasts: cell morphology, cell signaling multiplex assay, myogenic gene expression and protein and integrin synthesis and in response to FD-PRP Compared to random scaffold, fiber alignment + FD-PRP powder favors myogenic differentiation, which is ERK-dependent and dose-dependent
Zheng C 2019 [58] Tendon bone interface PRP (double spin, Ca+2-activated) mixed with ICA and lyophilized vs. FD-PRP vs. control New Zealand rabbits, partial patellectomy
At 8 weeks and 16 weeks, microcomputed tomography, histology, biomechanical testing
Sustained release of ICA from FD-PRP+ICA compared to fresh PRP
Higher rate of bone formation and remodeling in FD-PRP+ICA
Better new bone formation in FD-PRP+ICA
Fibrocartilage zone formation in the three groups, better mechanical properties in FD-PRP+ICA

Abbreviatures: BMA, bone marrow aspirate; BMP, bone morphogenetic protein; ECM, extracellular matrix; FBS, fetal bovine serum; FD-PRP, freeze-dried platelet-rich plasma; GAGs, glycosaminoglycans; GF, growth factor; hNPCs, human nucleus pulposus cells; ICA, icariin; ITS, insulin transferrin selenium; KOOS, knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score; NO, nitric oxide; OA, osteoarthritis; PEG, polyethylene glycol; PRP, platelet-rich plasma.