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. 2020 Oct 13;11:5151. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18984-7

Fig. 1. Myelination defects of FSI in γ2f/f mice.

Fig. 1

a, b Representative 3D reconstructions of myelinated FSI from control (a) and γ2f/f (b) mice showing biocytin (red) and MBP (green) labeling. Note that the distance from the soma to the onset of MBP signal is longer in the γ2f/f mouse compared to the control (lines). The first branch point (open arrowhead) and an internode (solid arrowhead) are indicated. Scale bar: 40 µm. c, d Confocal images from reconstructed FSI in (a) and (b) showing internodes (solid arrowheads) and axonal branch points (open arrowheads). Note the longer MBP+ internode co-labeled with biocytin and the myelinated branch point in the γ2f/f mouse. Scale bar: 10 µm. We reconstructed a total of n = 8 cells from N = 5 control mice and n = 9 cells from N = 3 γ2f/f mice. e, f Dot plots of the distances from the soma to the first MBP signal (e) and from the soma to the first branch point (f) in control (dark red) and γ2f/f (light red) mice (n = 8 cells from N = 5 control mice and n = 8 cells from N = 3 γ2f/f mice; p = 0.0047 for (e) and p = 0.02 for (f), two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test). g Dot plots of the percentage of branch points with MBP per cell in control (dark red) and γ2f/f (light red) mice for the same cells (n = 7 cells from N = 5 control mice and n = 7 cells from N = 3 γ2f/f mice; p = 0.0095, two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test). h Dot plots of the mean internode length per cell for control (dark red) and γ2f/f (light red) mice (n = 8 cells from N = 5 control mice and n = 9 cells from N = 3 γ2f/f mice; p = 0.0003, two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test). Dot plots in (eh) are presented as mean±s.e.m and dots represent data from individual FSI. i Distribution of internode lengths for the same cells in control and γ2f/f mice. Fitted lines show Gaussian distributions in control (dark red) and γ2f/f mice (light red) (Gaussian fit peak value: 21.68 ± 10.5 µm and 39.09 ± 13.71 µm for control and γ2f/f mice, respectively). Note the shift towards longer values in γ2f/f mice (D = 0.4747; p < 0.0001, two-sided Kolmogorov–Smirnov test).