Identification of GSK3β as a target gene of miR-29a. (A) Alignment analysis of mature miR-29a-3p sequences across species. Note that the sequences are all identical across the three species including, homo sapiens (hsa), Mus musculus (mmu), and Rattus norvegicus (rno). (B) Putative gene targets of miR-29a-3p were screened by Targetscan7.2. A Venn diagram illustrates numbers of predicted target mRNAs of hsa-miR-29a-3p, mmu-miR-29a-3p, and rno-miR-29a-3p. (C) A KEGG pathway analysis of 884 putative miR-29a-3p target genes in humans. Note that GSK3B (highlighted in red) presents in all the pathways and was selected for further assessment.