Figure 2.
Coacervate formation. (I) Element re-distribution of calcium and phosphate during the coacervate shell formation around the Ca–polyP core, resulting in a stoichiometric Ca:P ratio of ≈0.5, as revealed by semi-quantitative EDX. (I-A) In the core of the “Ca–polyP/D-NP”, a Ca:P ratio of 0.83 is measured, while (I-B) the core–shell particles, “Ca–polyP/D-NP@polyP/AA-Coa”, show an overall ratio of 0.47. (II) Kinetics of transformation of the core–shell particles, “Ca–polyP/D-NP@polyP/AA-Coa”, including their nanoparticle core, to a coacervate in (II-A to II-C) 0.9% saline versus (II-D to II-F) 0.9% saline supplemented with 2% FCS; SEM. The study was performed at room temperature. After termination of the incubation period the samples were dried and inspected. It is seen that the core–shell particles only slowly undergo coacervation in 0.9% saline, in contrast to the particles suspended in 2% FCS. During the incubation period of 12 h the core–shell particles (c–s) transform almost totally to the coacervate (coa) if they are kept in 2% FCS.