Glycan structure databases
CFG glycan structure database [14] |
Database providing structural and chemical information on thousands of glycans, including both synthetic glycans and glycans for mammalian species. |
Searched by glycan names, composition, molecular weight, motifs, cell lines or tissue samples. |
JCGGDB Glycan Mass spectral DataBase [16] |
Database containing multi-stage tandem mass spectral of structurally defined N-and O-linked glycans, and glycolipid glycans. |
Searched by glycan composition or m/z value of precursor ion. |
UniCarbKB [25,26,27] |
A curated database of information on glycan structures of glycoproteins, with descriptions of its biological source, supporting reference and experimental methods. |
Searched by monosaccharide composition, attached protein, taxonomy or tissue by using an auto completion feature. |
KEGG glycan [13] |
Database providing information on experimentally determined glycan structures and their metabolic pathways. |
Searched by the G number for each glycan structure. |
| [12,33] |
An integrated portal containing databases and tools mainly glycan 3D structure analysis. |
Searched by monosaccharide composition, molecular formula, structure classification and motifs, as well as NMR atoms or peaks. |
Glycosciences.DB [35] |
The main glycan structure database of, providing published data on glycan structures, their taxonomy, MS and NMR-experimental data, 3D structure models as well as references to PDB entries. |
Searched by glycan (sub-)structure, monosaccharide composition, molecular formula, structure classification and motifs, as well as NMR, MS, PDB query, or bibliography queries. |
UniCarb-DB [36] |
Database providing LC-MS/MS data of glycan structures. |
Searched by taxonomy, tissue, reference, mass, composition or precursor mass. |
GlyTouCan [37] |
A international glycan sequence repository with a globally unique accession number assigned to each structure. |
Searched by text input, motif, or drawing glycan structures in GlycanBuilder. Registered users can additionally register new glycan structures to obtain unique IDs for each structure. |
GlycoStore [41] |
A curated database of information on glycan retention properties with chromatographic, electrophoretic and mass-spectrometry composition data. |
Searched by experimental values (GU, AU or time), monosaccharide composition or metadata labels (taxonomy, sample name and the Oxford linear notation). |
CSDB [42] |
Database on the structures of glycans and glycoconjugates in prokaryotes, plants and fungi. |
Searched by CSDB ID, glycan substructure, composition, taxonomy, bibliography, NMR signals, conformation ID or GT name. |
Glycoprotein databases
GlycoProtDB [56] |
Database providing information on N-glycoproteins and their glycosylated site(s) identified from C. elegans, mouse tissues and human. |
Searched by gene ID, gene name, and its description (protein name). |
UniPep [59] |
Database providing information on N-glycopeptides identified from human plasma and tissues including bladder, breast, liver, lymphocytes, cerebrospinal fluid, and prostate. |
Searched by gene name, gene symbol, Swiss Prot ID, IPI ID, protein sequence or peptide mass. |
N-GlycositeAtlas [22] |
Database providing information on N-glycopeptides identified from over 100 publications and unpublished datasets |
Searched by gene/protein name, accession number, glycosylation site location, glycosite containing peptide, tissue/liquid/cell line, or publication |
GlycoDomain Viewer [95] |
Database of O-GalNAc proteinsidentified by SimpleCell technology from human and animal cell lines, associated with the verified and predicted glycosylated sites of N-glycan, O-GalNAc, O-Mannose and O-Xylose mapping on the protein sequence |
Searched by the NCBI gene name or the Uniprot ID |
Glycogene databases
CAZy [62] |
The largest database for display and analysis of genomic, structural and biochemical information on glyco-enzymes |
Searched by enzyme family, protein name, organism name, GeneBank or UniProt accession, or EC number. |
CAZypedia [63] |
A comprehensive encyclopedic of detailed structural, and biochemical information on glyco-enzymes, and relevant reference. |
Searched by enzyme name or enzyme ID |
GlycoGene DataBase [15] |
Database providing information of glycogenes on gene sequences, substrate specificities, homologous genes, EC numbers, tissue distribution, KO mouse as well as external links to various databases. |
Searched by gene symbols or designations or selected from the list of glycogenes |
CFG glycosyltransferases database |
Database providing information of glycosyltransferase on enzyme name, EC number, organism, relevant CFG data, and other data from public databases (PubMed, KEGG, CAZy, SwissProt, and others). |
Providing a graphical interface of different glycans. By clicking a monosaccharide, users are directed to the information of the glycosyltransferase which forms this structure. |
CSDB_GT [96] |
A curated database of glycosyltransferases in Arabidopsis thaliana, Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. |
Searched by CSDB ID, glycan structure, composition, taxonomy, bibliography, NMR signals, conformation, or GT activity. |
Glycan-protein interaction database
Lectin Frontier Database [67] |
Database providing quantitative interaction data between various glycan and lectins, as well as basic information such as kingdom, monosaccharide specificity on lectins |
Searched by keyword or choose categories among Lectin family, Monosaccharide Specificity, or 3D-fold. |
UniLectin [68] |
A interactive database for the classification and curation of lectins (with UniLectin3D module), and the prediction of β-propeller lectins (with PropLec module). |
Searched by keywords, kingdom order, historical classification, monosaccharide, associate IUPAC sequence, fold of the binding site, or multiple criteria |
PACDB [69] |
Database providing information on the interaction of microbial glycan-binding proteins and glycans with host glycan ligands |
Selected from the list of disease, pathogen names, monosaccharides, or glycoepitopes |
SugarBindDB [70] |
A curated database providing information on known glycan structure interacted with pathogenic organisms (bacteria, toxins and viruses) in various disease |
Searched by pathogenic agents, ligands, recognizing lectins, affected area, references, diseases or multi-criteria. |
GLAD [71] |
A web-based tool to visualize, analyze, present, and mine glycan array data. |
Input data as tab-delimited text files in the correct format |
MCAW-DB [72] |
Database providing information on binding affinity of glycan binding proteins to glycan substructures by multiple alignment analysis of glycan array data |
Searched by filtering taxa, protein family, investigator and array version. |
GlyMDB [73] |
Database enabling users to upload their own microarray data, query binder/non-binder classification, discover glycan-binding motif, compare glycan array sample, and cross-link microarray samples to PDB structures |
Searched by protein name, protein sequence or PDB ID, or upload microarray spreadsheet file. |
MatrixDB [74] |
A curated database providing information on interactions between extracellular matrix proteins, proteoglycans and polysaccharides. |
Searched by a biomolecule, keyword, author, publication or IMEx identifier. |
Latest integrated glycoscience portal
Glycomics@ExPASy [19] |
The glycomics tab of ExPASy, centralizing web-based glycoinformatics databases and tools resources developed by SIB (such as GlyConnect, SugarBind and UniCarb-DB databases) and other external resources to (such as CAZy, CSDB, GlyTouCan and UniCarbKB) to bridge the glycobiology and protein-oriented bioinformatics resources |
Click on the link of interest |
GlyConnect [86] |
The central platform of the Glycomics@ExPASy, providing interactive diagrams that help the user understand relations between glycans, proteins, tissues, diseases, and taxonomy |
Either browsed or searched by protein name, ID, or monosaccharide composition, linkage type |
Glygen [18] |
A web portal data integration, harmonization and dissemination web portal for integrate data and knowledge from diverse disciplines relevant to glycobiology, carbohydrate and glycoconjugate-related data retrieved from multiple international data sources including UniProtKB, GlyTouCan, UniCarbKB and other key resources. |
Searched by protein accession, sequences, glycan structure or monosaccharide composition. |
GlyCosmos [20] |
An integrated web resource including the database of JCGGDB and providing information on glycan-related genes, proteins, lipids, glycomes, pathways and diseases to integrate the glycosciences with the life sciences |
Searched by protein name, protein accession, species, or various glycan search tools, such as by mass, composition, graphical glycan structure or monosaccharide composition. |