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. 2020 Oct 14;15(10):e0239622. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239622

Table 2. Median and range of the percentage duration of behaviours of 48 sheep before and after laparoscopy.

Moments M1 M2 M3 M4
Behaviour category Median Range Median Range Median Range Median Range
Eat 0c 0–0 11b 0–82 31.25a 0–86 34ab 0–71
Ruminate 0b 0–24 0ab 0–41 4.04a 0–20 4a 0–44
Drink 0 0–7 0 0–26 0 0–16 0 0–2
Urinate 0 0–9 0 0–12 0 0–21 0 0–5
Defecate 0 0–0 0 0–19 0 0–0 0 0–0
Normal interaction 44a 0–100 0b 0–91 7.15a 0–95 61a 0–97
Reduced interaction 0a 0–97 8a 0–94 0a 0–100 0b 0–97
Absent interaction 0 0–100 0 0–100 0 0–30 0 0–88
Normal locomotion 23a 0–57 0b 0–68 0c 0–47 14a 0–50
Reduced/altered locomotion 0b 0–21 0a 0–25 0b 0–40 0a 0–47
Absent/abnormal locomotion 0b 0–70 2a 0–100 0ab 0–60 0b 0–30
Head above the withers 11a 0–80 0b 0–50 0b 0–67 21a 0–86
Head at the height of the withers 0 0–68 0 0–78 0 0–87 0 0–81
Head below the withers 10a 0–70 13a 0–81 6.46b 0–60 5b 0–25
Standing still in normal posture 61b 33–89 67ab 0–94 73.87a 0–100 74ab 10–92
Standing in altered posture 5a 0–31 6a 0–37 1.04ab 0–60 0b 0–8
Kick and stamp the limbs on the ground 0b 0–0 0ab 0–5 0b 0–0 0a 0–14
Lying down with extension of the head and neck and/or limb(s) 0ab 0–31 0a 0–38 0ab 0–60 0b 0–11
Lying down 0 0–31 0 0–90 0 0–35 0 0–44
Lying down with head turned back 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0
Lying with head supported on or close to the ground 0 0–28 0 0–100 0 0–32 0 0–0
Look at affected area 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0
Lick the affected area 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0
Quick and repeated tail movements 0 0–40 0 0–0 0 0–0 0 0–0
Keep the tail straight 0 0–22 0 0–6 0 0–0 0 0–50
Arch the back 0b 0–0 0a 0–34 0ab 0–13 0ab 0–7
Body tremors 0 0–0 0 0–11 0 0–0 0 0–0

The proportion of duration of each behavioural category was calculated based on the total time of each period of evaluation (20 mins). Different letters express significant differences between moments (values in bold express differences at M2 compared to M1, or M3, or M4) with a>b>c, according to the Friedman test (p <0.05) [19,29]. M1: preoperative; M2—postoperative, before rescue analgesia; M3—postoperative, after rescue analgesia; M4 - 24h after surgery.