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. 2020 Oct 2;14(10):e0008612. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008612

Table 2. Summary of case reports on postnatal ZIKV infection in children and adolescents, ordered by child age.

Author (year) Location Study year Sex Age (y) ZIKV diagnostic test Other pathogens tested (negative) Common signs or symptoms Additional signs or symptoms Complications / Outcome Co- morbidities
RT-PCR Serology Rash Fever Conjunctivital Involvement Arthralgia Myalgia Headache URT symptoms GI symptoms Others
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 F 6m + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + - - - - - NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Landais et al., (2017) [55] Guadeloupe NR M 10m + 1 IgM -, IgG + (2nd sample) CMV, EV, HSV, VZV + + + NR NR NR NR NR Right hemiparesis (Left MCA infarct) Outcome: Partial motor recovery at 3 months. Walking acquired 13 months after disease onset NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 M 1y 3m + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + - - - - + NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Brito Ferreira et al., (2017) [53] Brazil 2014/ 2015 F 2 + 3 IgM - Borrelia spp., CMV, DENV, EBV, HIV, HSV, HTLV + + NR NR NR NR NR + Itching, pruritus Encephalitis Outcome: Motor sequelae in all four limbs and cognitive impairment at 3 months NR
Sarmiento- Ospina et al., (2016) [50] Colombia 2015 F 2 + 1 NR DENV NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Hepatomegaly, thrombocytopenia, bleeding diathesis
Outcome: Anemic shock and death.
Probable acute leukemia
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 F 2y 2m + 1,2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + - - - - - NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Peralta-Aros et al. (2017) [78] NR 2016 F 2y 6m + NR NR + + + NR NR NR NR NR Bone pain, weakness Outcome: Full recovery with INS remission Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
Heang et al., (2012) [79] Cambodia 2010 M 3 + IgM + CHIKV, DENV - + NR NR NR + + NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 F 3y 11m + 1,2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + - - - - + NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Lednicky et al., (2016) [51] Haiti 2014 M 4 + NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Asymptomatic NR NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 M 4y 1m + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + + - - - + NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Wu et al. (2016) [80], Yin et al. (2016) [81] China (TA-Venezuela) 2016 M 6 + 1,2,4 NR NR + + + NR NR NR + - Lymphadenopathy Outcome: Full recovery NR
Lednicky et al., (2016) [51] Haiti 2014 F 7 + NR NR - + NR NR NR NR + + Anorexia NR NR
Peralta-Aros et al., (2017) [78] NR 2016 M 7 + NR DENV + + NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Outcome: Full recovery with INS remission Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
Marinho et al., (2019) [56] Brazil 2015 M 7 + 3 PRNT+ CHIKV, DENV, EV, HSV-1, HSV-2, SLEV, TB, VZV, WNV - - - - + + NR + Lower limb weakness and pain Diffuse neurological manifestations, tonic-clonic seizures Outcome: Mild gait difficulty at discharge NR
Duijster et al., (2016) [82] Netherlands (TA-Dominica) 2016 M 8 + NR DENV + + NR NR NR + NR NR Leucopenia Outcome: Full recovery NR
Wu et al. (2016) [80], Yin et al., (2016) [81] China (TA-Venezuela) 2016 F 8 + 1,2,4 NR NR + + + NR NR NR + - Severe leucopenia Outcome: Full recovery NR
Slavov et al., (2016) [83] Brazil 2016 M 8 + 1,4 NR CHIKV, DENV - + - NR + + NR + Retro-orbital pain, photo- and phonophobia, mesenteric adenitis. Outcome: Full recovery NR
Florescu et al., (2017) [84] Romania (TA- French Guiana) 2016 M 10 + 2 IgM + DENV, Rickettsia spp., WNV, YF vaccine virus + + + NR NR NR NR + NR Dysphagia, lymphadenopathy NR NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 F 11 + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + - - + - + NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 F 11 + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + + - - - - NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 M 11 + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + + - - - + NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 F 11 + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + - - - + - NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 M 11 + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + - - + - - NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Olson et al., (1981) [85] Indonesia 1977 M 12 NR HI + DENV, JEV, MVEV, TMUV NR + NR NR NR NR NR + Malaise, dizziness NR NR
Olson et al., (1981) [85] Indonesia 1978 F 12 NR HI + DENV, JEV, MVEV, TMUV NR + NR NR NR NR NR + Malaise, anorexia, dizziness and hypotension. NR NR
Cleto et al., (2016) [54] Brazil NR F 13 NR IgM + CHIKV, CMV, DENV, EBV, hepatitis A, B, and C, HSV, HTLV, rubella virus, Toxoplasma gondii + NR NR NR NR + NR NR Migratory and intermittent paresthesia in hands, feet, and face Peripheral Neuropathy Outcome: Regained ability to walk with support at discharge on day 15 NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 M 14 + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + - - - - + + NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Olson et al., (1981) [85] Indonesia 1977 M 14 NR HI + DENV, JEV, MVEV, TMUV NR + + + + NR NR + Dizziness, hematuria NR NR
Alejo-Cancho et al., (2016) [86] Spain (TA- Honduras) 2016 F <15 + 1 IgM + IgG - CHIKV, DENV + + + NR NR + NR NR Chill NR NR
Alejo-Cancho et al., (2016) [86] Spain (TA- Honduras) 2016 F <15 + 1 IgM—IgG - CHIKV, DENV + + + NR NR + NR NR Chill NR NR
Alera et al., (2012) [87] Philippines 2012 M 15 + 1 NR CHIKV, DENV, JEV - + + NR + + + + Anorexia, nausea Outcome: Full recovery NR
Arzuza-Ortega et al.,(2016) [58] Colombia 2015 F 15 + 1 NR CHIKV, DENV, HIV-1/2, Leptospira spp., Plasmodium spp. NR + NR + + NR NR + Retro-ocular pain, respiratory distress, jaundice Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly Outcome: Death 5 days after disease onset Sickle cell disease
Boyer Chammard et al., (2016) [88] Guadeloupe 2016 F 15 + 1,2 NR DENV + NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Bleeding diathesis Outcome: full recovery NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 F 15 + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + + + - - - NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Paniz-Mondolfi et al., (2018) [57] Venezuela NR F 15 + 1 IgM+ IgG- CHIKV, CMV, DENV, EBV, EV, HIV, HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, PV, Rubella virus, Treponema pallidum, Toxoplasma gondii + + NR + NR NR NR NR Malaise Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AWS) Outcome: Full recovery NR
Mecharles et al., (2016) [52] Guadeloupe 2016 F 15 + 1,2,3 NR Borrelia spp., CHIKV, CMV, DENV, EBV, HIV, HSV, HTLV, Legionella spp., Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Treponema spp., VZV NR - + NR NR + NR NR Left arm and lower back pain. Paraesthesia Acute myelitis. Outcome: Ability to walk recovered 1 month after hospital admission NR
Li et al., (2017) [23] Singapore 2016 M 16 + 2 NR CHIKV, DENV + + - - - - + NR NR Outcome: Full recovery NR
Azevedo et al. (2016) [59] Brazil NR F 16 + 1 IgM - CHIKV, DENV, hepatitis A, B, and C viruses, HIV-1/2, HTLV I/II, SLEV, Treponema spp., Trypanosoma cruzi, WNV, YFV + + NR NR + + NR NR Malaise Bleeding diathesis Outcome: death Possible Evans syndrome
Olson et al., (1981) [85] Indonesia 1977 F 16 NR HI + DENV, JEV, MVEV, TMUV NR + NR NR NR NR NR + Malaise, chills, anorexia, dizziness and leg pain NR NR

- = test-negative or sign/symptom reported to be absent

+ = test-positive or sign/symptom reported to be present

CHIKV: Chikungunya virus, CMV: Cytomegalovirus, DENV: Dengue virus, EBV: Epstein-Barr Virus (human herpesvirus 4), EV: Enteroviruses, GBS: Guillain-Barré syndrome, HI: hemagglutination inhibition, HIV: Human Immunodeficiency virus, HSCT: hematopoietic stem cell transplant, HSV: Herpes simplex viruses, HTLV: human T-lymphotropic virus, Ig: immunoglobulin, JEV: Japanese encephalitis virus, MVEV: Murray valley encephalitis virus, NR: not reported, PV: Parvovirus, RT-PCR: Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, SLEV: Saint Louis encephalitis virus, TA: travel-associated, TB: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, TMUV: Tembusu virus, VZV: Varicella Zoster virus, WNV: West Nile virus, YF: Yellow Fever, ZIKV: Zika virus

1 Detected in serum

2 Detected in urine

3 Detected in cerebral spinal fluid

4 Detected in saliva