Only the subset of possible microstates identified as being of interest
in the SAMPL6 challenge are shown. The protons of interest are denoted by blue
balls on top of the nitrogen which is the proton acceptor. Each column has a
different number of dissociable protons, indicated at the top. All microstates
in a column are tautomers with the same total charge; their vertical order is
arbitrary. All the tautomers in a column contribute to the macrostates states
with 4 (4H) to zero (0H) dissociable protons. Black double-headed arrows
indicate pKas that were reported in the SAMPL6 Challenge; red arrows
are the transitions between tautomers. Twenty four pKas can be
defined between all microstates in one column and all in the neighboring columns
as they differ by one proton. Some transitions, such as between 13 and 7
required tautomer changes. Likewise, transitions between tautomers in the top
and bottom rows (e.g. between microstates 2 and 3) are also well-defined, but
are not shown here for clarity. The numbers associated with each microstate
simplify the microstate IDs assigned by the SAMPL6 pKa Challenge, which have the
form: SM07_microXXX, where XXX are three digits. For example, microstate 4 in
this figure corresponds to SM07_micro004.