a–d) Data from
Braendle et al., 2010. Each MA line was scored once (n = 50 individuals) while each ancestor was scored 17 times (n = 17×50=850). Scores for the ancestor are summarized with a colored bar on the right side of each plot. Red dots indicate lines with a P3.p division frequency significantly different from the ancestor (Fisher's exact test corrected for mutliple tests, fdr level: 0.05). MA lines that were scored again in the present study (
E–H) are indicated by an arrowhead. (
e–h) Scoring of P3.p division frequency for a subset of MA lines. The bar charts represent the mean frequency of P3.p division over several independent experiments featured as dots whose size scales to the number of animals scored. Data for ancestors and selected MA lines are also reported in
Figure 2B. Stars indicate significant differences of mean P3.p division frequency between a MA line and its ancestor (Fisher's exact test, fdr level: 0.05). Error bars are 95% confidence intervals.