Fig. 1.
Production of transgenic plants of emmer wheat ‘Runo’ (T. dicoccum (Schrank.)). a,b,c,d. Transient GFP gene expression; morphogenic explants arranged in a circle on the plate with the osmotic medium for bombardment, 16 h after plasmid delivery (a); effect of callus type on the transient GFP expression, type I (b) and type II (c) callus, 20 h after bombardment; mixing explant with type I and type II callus (d), 21 days after bombardment. e. GFP-positive transgenic morphogenic cluster, 50 days of culture. f. Formation of GFP-positive transgenic single embryo-like structure with roots, 65 days of culture. g. Development of transgenic regenerating plant, 80 days of culture. h. Extended morphogenic areas with a bright GFP fluorescence, 60 days of culture. i. Development of multiple GFP-positive plantlets, 75 days of culture. j. in vitro rooting and development of putative transgenic plants in Magenta boxes. k. Putative transgenic plants of emmer wheat in the greenhouse, different stages of plant development. Tissues were photographed under white light or UV light using the GFP filter set (EX BP 470/40, BS FT 495, EM LP 550)