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. 2020 Oct 13;18:266. doi: 10.1186/s12957-020-02044-x

Table 1.

Comparison of clinicopathological features between patients with and without Graves’ disease

Characteristics PTC with GD (n = 114) PTC without GD (n = 3514) p value
Age (years) 46.3 ± 12.9 45.8 ± 12.2 0.641
Female sex 99 (86.8%) 2916 (83.0%) 0.279
Body mass index (kg/m2) 23.8 ± 3.1 23.5 ± 3.2 0.396
Preoperative FNA results 0.197
 Benign 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
 Atypia 7 (6.1%) 62 (1.8%)
 Follicular neoplasm 0 (0.0%) 166 (4.7%)
 Suspicious malignancy 30 (26.3%) 841 (23.9%)
 Malignancy 77 (67.5%) 2344 (66.7%)
Pathologic features
 Tumor size (cm) 0.8 ± 0.5 0.9 ± 0.7 0.057
 Extrathyroidal extension 0.317
  No 59 (51.8%) 1663 (47.3%)
  Microscopic 51 (44.7%) 1611 (45.8%)
  Gross 4 (3.5%) 240 (6.8%)
 Lymphatic invasion 2 (1.8%) 234 (6.7%) 0.037
 Vascular invasion 0 (0.0%) 43 (1.2%) 0.235
 Margin involvement 1 (0.9%) 205 (5.8%) 0.024
 Number of retrieved LNs 6.0 ± 5.8 6.7 ± 8.1 0.208
 LN metastasis 0.001
  N0 80 (70.2%) 2203 (62.7%)
  N1a 34 (29.8%) 950 (27.0%)
  N1b 0 (0.0%) 361 (10.3%)
131I remnant ablation 43 (37.7%) 1545 (44.0%) 0.186
131I dose (mCi) 47.2 ± 32.8 41.8 ± 35.8 0.331
Follow-up (months) 96.8 ± 29.5 96.5 ± 31.0 0.894
Recurrence 0.487
 Regional recurrence 1 (0.9%) 62 (2.5%)
 Distant metastasis 0 (0.0%) 5 (0.2%)

Data presented as mean and standard deviation if not noted otherwise. Categorical data were compared using the chi-squared test. Data derived from continuous variables of different groups were compared by Student’s t test

PTC papillary thyroid carcinoma, GD Graves’ disease, FNA fine needle aspiration, LN lymph node