(A). Continuous production of Pa volatiles is not necessary for inhibition. Production from paired plates. After 48 h of incubation at 37 °C in the double plate method, air was aspirated via an 18-gauge needle from 2 paired plates of PA14 on TSA (Pa14 air), 2 paired uninoculated TSA plates (TSA air), or 2 empty plates (blank air), and the aspirated air was injected into 30 mL screw-cap glass vials with a rubber stopper containing 3 mL of TSA agar with 6 mm paper discs inoculated with 10 μL of a 5 × 104 conidial suspension of 10AF. The vials were incubated at 37 °C for 72 h, and the area of fungal growth was measured. Three asterisks = p < 0.001 compared to other bars. (B). One-way air pump to aspirate air from the double plate, a method designed to capture the products of a smaller generating system (a single plate). When clamp 2 is closed and clamp 1 is open, air is removed for the system by syringe 1, which is then removed. Then, clamp 2 is opened, clamp 1 is closed, and the air from the double plate is aspirated by syringe 2. Then, clamp 2 is closed, clamp 1 is opened, and the air in syringe 2 is injected into the vial. (C). Production of sufficient inhibitory vapors from a single plate. Plates of TSA inoculated with PA14, uninoculated TSA, or an empty plate were paired in each case with an empty plate. This method was similar to that in Figure 3a, but instead of aspiration with a needle and syringe, we used the apparatus pictured in Figure 3b. Three asterisks = p < 0.001 compared to the other bars.