A, PSS pain. B, PSS redness. C, PSS itchiness. D, PSS burning.
aSignificantly greater proportions of patients treated with risankizumab achieved a score of 0 or 1 on each of the PSS items at week 4 through week 16 compared with placebo. Compared with patients treated with ustekinumab, a significantly greater proportion of those treated with risankizumab achieved PSS pain = 0 (P < .001 from week 22 onward), PSS redness = 0 (P = .01 at week 4, P = .001 at week 8, P = .001 at week 12, and P < .001 at all other time points, PSS itchiness = 0 (P < .001 from week 16 onward), and PSS burning = 0 (P < .001 from week 28 onward).