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. 2020 Sep 15;17(18):6726. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17186726

Table 4.

Odds for the relationship between energy deprivation and depression in Ghana using multinomial logistic regression with fixed effects (MLR-FE).

Variables Mildly Depressed Moderately Depressed Severely Depressed
MEPI 0.619 *** 1.582 *** 1.936 ***
(0.237) (0.413) (0.524)
Education (base: none)
Junior high school (JHS) −0.360 *** −0.162 −0.655 ***
(0.109) (0.162) (0.220)
Senior high school (SHS) −0.664 *** −0.290 −0.095
(0.187) (0.289) (0.329)
Tertiary −0.506 *** −0.553 * −0.992 **
(0.195) (0.326) (0.462)
Age of household head 0.004 0.004 −0.001
(0.004) (0.005) (0.008)
Female 0.526 *** 0.679 *** 1.063 ***
(0.113) (0.165) (0.226)
Ln (income) −0.231 *** −0.203 ** 0.051
(0.065) (0.096) (0.129)
Health insurance (yes) −0.175 * −0.345 ** 0.020
(0.106) (0.156) (0.226)
Smoking (yes) 0.117 0.547 ** 0.997 ***
(0.182) (0.249) (0.309)
Body mass index (BMI) 0.010 −0.202 0.162
(0.148) (0.181) (0.296)
Urban −0.172 −0.052 0.264
(0.114) (0.184) (0.234)
Region (base: Western)
Central −0.459 ** −0.0361 0.546
(0.207) (0.287) (0.387)
Greater Accra −0.049 0.114 −0.460
(0.186) (0.302) (0.471)
Volta 0.0681 0.264 0.136
(0.218) (0.348) (0.530)
Eastern 0.0495 0.490* 0.924**
(0.188) (0.275) (0.374)
Ashanti −0.149 −0.123 0.047
(0.174) (0.284) (0.390)
Brong Ahafo 0.265 0.089 0.254
(0.185) (0.304) (0.406)
Northern 0.853 *** 1.315 *** 1.472 ***
(0.234) (0.317) (0.470)
Upper East 0.719 *** 1.065 *** 0.866
(0.274) (0.396) (0.619)
Upper West 0.621 1.244 −14.920 ***
(0.705) (0.856) (0.531)
Constant −0.457 −1.701 * −5.589 ***
(0.743) (0.963) (1.495)
LR test (FE vs pooled) 7.27 ***
Log-likelihood −2912.66
McFadden’s pseudo R-squared 0.053
VIF 1.43
Observations 3754

Robust standard errors in parentheses; *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1.