Representative FRAP profiles of BiP/Kar2-sfGFP in either the pnER or cER of WT cells. Upon ER stress induction, fluorescence recovery was slowed down in the cER to a greater degree than in the pnER. WT and ire1Δ cells showed a similar mobility of BiP/Kar2-sfGFP. In contrast, the mobility was altered upon ER stress in ERSU-deficient slt2Δ cells. Interestingly, BiP/Kar2-sfGFP mobility in rtn1Δrtn2Δyop1Δ cells showed a similar change as in slt2Δ cells, suggesting the possibility that RTN1, RTN2, and YOP1 are ERSU components. Subsequent experiments confirmed that this was the case. (the FRAP profiles were taken from figures in (Pina et al., 2016))