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. 2020 Sep 11;17(18):6624. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17186624

Table 1.

Characteristics of study in the end of follow-up.

Brain Injury Total With Without p
Variables n % n % n %
Total 1367,502 455,834 33.33 911,668 66.67
Events <0.001
Without 1366,227 99.91 455,347 99.89 910,880 99.91
With 1275 0.09 487 0.11 788 0.09
Subgroup of events <0.001
Without 1366,227 99.91 455,347 99.89 910,880 99.91
Acquired stenosis
of external ear canal
355 0.03 166 0.04 189 0.02
Cholesteatoma of
middle ear and mastoid
883 0.06 304 0.07 579 0.06
Both 37 0.00 17 0.00 20 0.00
Gender 0.999
Male 811,257 59.32 270,419 59.32 540,838 59.32
Female 556,245 40.68 185,415 40.68 370,830 40.68
Age (years)
(mean ± SD)
44.41 ± 24.61 42.90 ± 22.18 45.17 ± 25.71 0.007
Low-income <0.001
Without 1344,640 98.33 447,731 98.22 896,909 98.38
With 22,862 1.67 8103 1.78 14,759 1.62
Catastrophic illness <0.001
Without 1193,522 87.45 414,727 91.52 778,795 85.43
With 171,280 12.55 38,407 8.48 132,873 14.57
CCI (mean ± SD) 0.84 ± 2.25 0.42 ± 1.43 1.05 ± 2.53 <0.001
Cause of injury <0.001
Traffic injuries 282,937 61.50 233,142 66.73 49,795 44.99
Poisoning 1833 0.40 401 0.11 1432 1.29
Falls 95,781 20.82 74,447 21.31 21,334 19.27
Burns and fires 519 0.11 40 0.01 479 0.43
Drowning 122 0.03 24 0.01 98 0.09
Suffocation 636 0.14 24 0.01 612 0.55
Crushing/Cutting/Piercing 27,002 5.87 13,773 3.94 13,229 11.95
Other unintentional injuries 22,822 4.96 5963 1.71 16,859 15.23
Suicide 2055 0.45 248 0.07 1807 1.63
Homicide/Abuse 25,162 5.47 20,872 5.97 4290 3.88
Intention unknown 1174 0.26 422 0.12 752 0.68
Intentionality of injury <0.001
Unintentional injury 382,674 93.89 295,298 93.64 87,376 94.76
Intentional injury 0.00 6.11 20,050 6.36 4835 5.24
Urbanization level <0.001
High 414,921 30.34 114,667 25.16 300,254 32.93
Middle 585,726 42.83 189,281 41.52 396,445 43.49
Low 366,855 26.83 151,886 33.32 214,969 23.58
Level of care <0.001
Hospital center 419,434 30.67 111,842 24.54 307,592 33.74
Regional hospital 555,404 40.61 201,180 44.13 354,224 38.85
Local hospital 392,664 28.71 142,812 31.33 249,852 27.41
Surgery <0.001
Without 854,414 62.48 313,931 68.87 540,483 59.29
With 513,088 37.52 141,903 31.13 371,185 40.71
Length of days (mean ± SD) 7.32 ± 9.60 7.54 ± 10.13 6.89 ± 8.41 <0.001
Medical costs (NT$) (mean ± SD) 46,252.58 ± 84,924.68 48,896.69 ± 90,655.82 40,964.37 ± 71,818.28 <0.001
Prognosis <0.001
Survive 1281,971 93.75 440,530 96.64 841,441 92.30
Mortality 85,531 6.25 15,304 3.36 70,227 7.70