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. 2020 Oct 14;10(10):e041971. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041971

Table 1.

The incidence (per 1000) of oral potentially malignant disorders by demographic features, status of metabolic syndrome and other associated risk factors

N Person-years OPMD OSF Leukoplakia Verrucous hyperplasia Erythroplakia+
No No No No No
Overall 17 590 116 732.06 716 6.13 149 1.28 521 4.46 20 0.17 26 0.22
Metabolic syndrome
 Yes 5789 38 416.38 295 7.68 58 1.51 219 5.7 7 0.18 11 0.29
 No 11 801 78 315.68 421 5.38 91 1.16 302 3.86 13 0.17 15 0.19
 30–39 1178 8296.07 47 5.67 13 1.57 28 3.38 1 0.12 5 0.6
 40–49 4359 29 193.98 210 7.19 42 1.44 154 5.28 8 0.27 6 0.21
 50–59 5538 35 137.59 267 7.6 48 1.37 205 5.83 6 0.17 8 0.23
 60–69 4176 27 778.33 160 5.76 37 1.33 115 4.14 4 0.14 4 0.14
 70+ 2339 16 326.09 32 1.96 9 0.55 19 1.16 1 0.06 3 0.18
 Male 15 619 104 569.65 703 6.72 146 1.4 511 4.89 20 0.19 26 0.25
 Female 1971 12 162.41 13 1.07 3 0.25 10 0.82 0 0 0 0
 University 2140 13 691.15 53 3.87 4 0.29 47 3.43 1 0.07 1 0.07
 Senior high school 4173 26 814.93 174 6.49 39 1.45 126 4.7 3 0.11 6 0.22
 Junior high school or lower 11 228 75 877.21 487 6.42 106 1.4 347 4.57 16 0.21 18 0.24
Betel quid chewing
 Never 11 925 79 006.46 256 3.24 38 0.48 203 2.57 10 0.13 5 0.06
 Quit* 3544 23 719.97 236 9.95 62 2.61 162 6.83 6 0.25 6 0.25
 Current 2110 13 920.02 224 16.09 49 3.52 156 11.21 4 0.29 15 1.08
 Never 6976 46 286.91 101 2.18 21 0.45 75 1.62 1 0.02 4 0.09
 Quit* 3656 24 678.95 126 5.11 36 1.46 82 3.32 3 0.12 5 0.2
 Current 6947 45 680.37 489 10.7 92 2.01 364 7.97 16 0.35 17 0.37
Alcohol drinking
 Never 8041 53 484.46 212 3.96 48 0.9 155 2.9 4 0.07 5 0.09
 Quit* 1009 6798.76 58 8.53 10 1.47 44 6.47 2 0.29 2 0.29
 Current 8529 56 365.96 446 7.91 91 1.61 322 5.71 14 0.25 19 0.34
BMI (kg/m2)
 <18.5 422 2852.29 9 3.16 5 1.75 3 1.05 0 0 1 0.35
 18.5–24.9 8844 58 824.11 313 5.32 66 1.12 221 3.76 13 0.22 13 0.22
 >25 8324 55 055.66 394 7.16 78 1.42 297 5.39 7 0.13 12 0.22
Triglyceride (mg/dL)
 <150 12 178 81 399.38 405 4.98 87 1.07 289 3.55 14 0.17 15 0.18
 ≥150 5412 35 332.68 311 8.8 62 1.75 232 6.57 6 0.17 11 0.31
HDL-C (mg/dL) †
 Abnormal 5684 37 372.54 268 7.17 50 1.34 204 5.46 5 0.13 9 0.24
 Normal 11 781 78 407.84 441 5.62 98 1.25 312 3.98 14 0.18 17 0.22
Blood pressure (mm Hg)‡
 Normal 10 869 71 713.89 440 6.14 94 1.31 321 4.48 12 0.17 13 0.18
 Elevated risk 2858 19 152.31 127 6.63 23 1.2 91 4.75 7 0.37 6 0.31
 Hypertension 3863 25 865.86 149 5.76 32 1.24 109 4.21 1 0.04 7 0.27
Glucose (mg/dL)
 <100 11 974 78 755.06 454 5.76 90 1.14 332 4.22 13 0.17 19 0.24
 100–125 3907 26 462.49 165 6.24 37 1.4 120 4.53 5 0.19 3 0.11
 >125 1709 11 514.51 97 8.42 22 1.91 69 5.99 2 0.17 4 0.35
 Seldom 4820 31 984.38 171 5.35 38 1.19 127 3.97 3 0.09 3 0.09
 Infrequent 11 904 78 845.33 488 6.19 94 1.19 360 4.57 13 0.16 21 0.27
 Frequent 829 5625.25 56 9.96 17 3.02 33 5.87 4 0.71 2 0.36
 Seldom 3679 24 216.53 172 7.1 42 1.73 124 5.12 1 0.04 5 0.21
 Infrequent 13 469 89 529.87 527 5.89 105 1.17 384 4.29 19 0.21 19 0.21
 Frequent 308 2045.5 6 2.93 0 0 6 2.93 0 0 0 0
 Seldom 1608 10 685.41 102 9.55 20 1.87 75 7.02 2 0.19 5 0.47
 Infrequent 7190 47 575.85 333 7 74 1.56 233 4.9 10 0.21 16 0.34
 Frequent 8773 58 318.08 280 4.8 55 0.94 212 3.64 8 0.14 5 0.09

*Quit: quit betel quid chewing, quit smoking or quit alcohol drinking defined as those who once participated in these oral habits but no longer participate in these habit on the day of interview.

†HDL-C: abnormal defined as (male with 0<HDL<40) or (female with 0<HDL<50). Normal defined as (male with 40≤HDL) or (female with 50≤HDL).

‡Hypertension: normal defined as systolic blood pressure (SBP) <130 or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) <85. Elevated risk defined as 130≤SBP<140 or 85≤DBP<90. Hypertension defined as SBP ≥140 or DBP ≥90.

BMI, body mas index; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; OPMD, oral potentially malignant disorder; OSF, oral submucosa fibrosis.