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. 2020 Sep 9;17(18):6552. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17186552

Table 4.

Associated factors of kidney disease quality of life via bivariate and multivariate linear regression analyses (N = 160).

Variables KDQOL
Bivariate Multivariate
B (95% CI) p B (95% CI) p
Age, year
60–83 −7.13 (−11.46, −2.80) 0.001 −3.66 (−8.08, 0.77) 0.104
Men −0.41 (−4.62, 3.80) 0.847 −0.25 (−4.25, 3.76) 0.904
Marital status
Never married
Ever married −4.32 (−9.89, 1.25) 0.127
Illiterate or elementary
Junior high school 7.12 (2.35, 11.89) 0.004 5.38 (0.43, 10.34) 0.033
Senior high school or above 9.49 (4.76, 14.21) < 0.001 6.29 (1.28, 11.30) 0.014
Residence area
Urban 4.67 (0.36, 8.99) 0.034 4.02 (−0.08, 8.11) 0.055
No job
Having job 5.39 (0.76, 10.02) 0.023 1.96 (−2.59, 6.51) 0.396
Income *
Below poverty
Above poverty −0.59 (−5.25, 4.08) 0.805
Clinical parameters
BMI, kg/m2
BMI < 24.0
BMI ≥ 24.0 4.93 (−2.01, 11.88) 0.163
WC **, cm
Obese 3.90 (−0.8, 8.61) 0.103
HD vintage, year
≥5 0.22 (−3.94, 4.37) 0.919
One or more −7.12 (−11.54, −2.69) 0.002 −6.17 (−10.49, −1.85) 0.005
SBP, mmHg
SBP < 140
SBP ≥ 140 4.92 (−2.25, 12.09) 0.177
DBP, mmHg
DBP < 90
DBP ≥ 90 1.27 (−3.02, 5.55) 0.560
Laboratory parameters
Hgb, g/dL
Hgb ≥ 11.0
Hgb < 11.0 5.88 (0.43, 11.32) 0.035 4.23 (−0.98, 9.43) 0.111
Alb, mg/dL
Alb ≥ 3.5
Alb < 3.5 −5.88 (−10.38, −1.38) 0.011 −3.17 (−7.55, 1.21) 0.155
Cre, mg/dL
Cre ≥ 7.5
Cre < 7.5 −10.48 (−15.84, −5.11) < 0.001
Pre-BUN, mg/dL
Pre-BUN < 20
Pre-BUN ≥ 20 3.73 (−1.33, 8.79) 0.147
RBC, 106/μL −1.22 (−5.15, 2.72) 0.543
Hct, % −0.15 (−0.61, 0.31) 0.519
WBC, 103/µL −0.61 (−1.70, 0.48) 0.270
TP, mg/dL −0.50 (−4.03, 3.03) 0.781
Adjusted R square 0.183

Abbreviations: KDQOL, kidney disease quality of life; B, regression coefficient; CI, confidence interval; BMI, body mass index; WC, waist circumference; HD, hemodialysis; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; Hgb, hemoglobin; Alb, albumin; Cre, creatinine; pre-BUN, pre-dialysis blood urea nitrogen; RBC, red blood cells; Hct, hematocrit; WBC, white blood cells; TP, total protein. *: Monthly income was classified into below the poverty line (<1.0 million VND/month for rural areas, <1.3 million VND/month for urban areas), and above the poverty line (≥1.0 million VND/month for rural areas, ≥1.3 million VND/month for urban areas). **: Abdominal obesity was defined as WC ≥ 90 for men or ≥80 for women, respectively.