Figure 3.
Mc4rI251L/I251Lmice also exhibit gain of function phenotypes. (A) Body weight curves of Mc4r+/I251L and Mc4rI251L/I251L females and males and their respective controls (n = 5–16 per group). (B) Average daily food intake measured during 2 consecutive weeks at 14 weeks of age. (C) Hypothalamic Mc4r mRNA levels in Mc4r+/I251L and Mc4rI251L/I251L females and males at 16 weeks of age relative to controls assessed by qRT-PCR and expressed in arbitrary units. (D) Body length of 16-week-old females and males of the 3 genotypes. (E–K) Determination of abdominal, visceral, inguinal, gonadal and retroperitoneal white fat pad, interscapular brown fat pad and liver weights in 16-week-old female and male Mc4r+/I251L and Mc4rI251L/I251L mice and their respective controls. Values represent the mean ± SEM of a number of mice per group indicated at the base of each bar. ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01 (two-way ANOVA followed by Holm–Sidak test).