Volcano plots of proteins in close proximity to Apl5‐TurboID versus control cells in a GAL1pr‐Vps41‐GFP-Fis1 background, from a label‐free proteomics analysis of streptavidin‐biotin pulldowns with cells grown in YPG. The logarithmic ratios of protein intensities are plotted against negative logarithmic
P values of two‐tailed Student's
t‐test, equal variance, performed from
n = 3 independent experiments. The red dashed line (significance, 0.001) separates specifically identified proteins (top right portion of plot) from background. Selected top hits are indicated with black dots, and all specific interactors are reported in
Dataset EV2. Named hits are marked with color according to legend in (B). Gray text indicates selected non‐significant hits.