Fig. 1. Relative CASC9 expression in gefitinib-resistant tissues and cell lines.
a Data mining of altered CASC9 expression in microarray gene profiles (GSE34228). b IC50 values of gefitinib in PC9/GR and their respective parental PC9 cells was examined by CCK8 assay. c Observation the morphological differences of PC9/GR and PC9 cells by microscope. d The expression of p-EGFR, p-AKT, p-ERK, total EGFR, AKT, ERK, and GAPDH of PC9 and PC9/GR cells treated with 5 μM gefitinib were measured by western blot. e CASC9 was detected in BT group and AR group by qRT-PCR. The levels of CASC9 in AR tissues are significantly higher than that in BT tissues. The ΔCt value was determined by subtracting the GAPDH Ct value from the CASC9 Ct value. A smaller ΔCt value indicates higher expression. f CASC9 expression of PC9, HCC827, H1975 and PC9/GR cells was evaluated by qRT-PCR. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.