Figure 5.
Elevated [Na+]o increases contractile dysfunction during reperfusion in hearts with a return of intrinsic rhythm. (A) Stacked bar graphs summarizing the return of electrical rhythm during reperfusion. (B) Peak EDP immediately upon reperfusion (reperfusion contracture). In the 145 mM Na+ group, hearts that eventually returned to an intrinsic rhythm during reperfusion had a significantly lower EDP than those developing arrhythmias or asystole; there was no difference in EDP between the 145 mM Na+ and 155 mM Na+ groups when only comparing EDP from hearts with returned intrinsic rhythm. (C) LVDP at 30-min of reperfusion is significantly higher in the 145 Na+ group relative to the 155 Na+ group, consistent with baseline LVDP values. Data from arrhythmic and asystolic hearts excluded for (C). *Indicates p < 0.05 as determined by unpaired student’s t-test.