Fig 4. Notch dimerization-deficient mice are hypomorphic for Notch activity in the gut.
A. Deletion of one N1 and one N2 allele in the RA background (N1RA/–; N2RA/–) caused lethality; loss of the intestine (presumably due to stem cell exhaustion) was evident in the longest surviving pup at P30. B-C. Alcian blue staining of N1RA/RA; N2RA/RA and N1+/–; N2+/–adult intestines. D. Alcian blue analysis of P0 intestines detected an increase in goblet cell numbers in N1RA/–; N2RA/–(E-H) Ki67 staining in P0 intestine from control N1+/–; N2+/–(E, F) or N1RA/–; N2RA/–(G, H) newborn. J. Quantification of Ki67-positive area at the indicated age, among surviving N1RA/–; N2RA/–pups during (n = 2) and after (n = 12) fur mite infestation; raw data in S1 Data. E, embryonic day; H/E, hematoxylin/eosin stain; N1RA/–; N2RA/–, Notch1 Arg1974Ala Notch2 Arg1934Ala hemizygous; P, postnatal day; WT, wild-type.