Figure 4. Localization responses of Experiment 1 are at odds with the space-to-limb reconstruction hypothesis.
Average reach trajectories (solid lines with finger position at movement onset indicated as circles, and at movement offet as squares) and localization responses (i.e., finger positions in the horizontal plane at the end of the reach-to-point movement indicating the location where the participant perceived the first stimulus) for the different movement conditions. Data are from the same participant as in Figure 3AB. Ellipses represent 95% of the variability of localization responses and show large overlap for correct and incorrect TOJ trials. The space-to-limb reconstruction hypothesis would predict that, during error trials, participants point with the incorrectly assigned hand to the location of the correct stimulus; thus, if this hypothesis were correct, orange ellipses should overlay with light gray ellipses, and dark gray ellipses should overlay with yellow ellipses.