Figure 5. Kv1.1, PSD95, and GAD67 label basket cell pinceaux and adhere to the same zonal patterning as HCN1.
(A) Schematic of basket cell pinceau size differences across zonal boundaries. Dotted area around Purkinje cell somata depicts the boundary between a zebrinII-negative zone (left) and a zebrinII-positive zone (right). Basket cell pinceaux are larger, on average, in the zebrinII-negative zones. (B) Magnified images of Kv1.1, PSD95, GAD67 (green), and HCN1 (red) expression in basket cell pinceaux across a zebrinII zonal boundary. Dotted white lines indicate the boundary between a zebrinII-negative zone (left) and a zebrinII-positive zone (right). Pinceau sizes are distinctly larger in the zebrinII-negative zone as marked by all four pinceau markers. Merged HCN1 and Kv1.1, PSD95, GAD67 expression is shown in the bottom row, respectively (N = 7 for Kv1.1, seven for PSD95, and seven for GAD67). Scale bars are 15 μm.