Figure 2.
(A) Binding titration of activated factor VII (fVIIa) to Nanodiscs of the eight different lipid compositions 10% PS (red), 25% PS (blue), 40% PS (green), 50% PS (purple), 10% PS/40% PE (orange), 25% PS/25% PE (yellow), 40% PS/10% PS (brown), and 50% PE (pink), with the lipid balance of PC lipids. In all cases, background binding to 100% PC Nanodiscs was subtracted to correct for non-specific interactions. Dashed lines indicate time points where a new concentration of fVIIa was added (ranging from 50 to 4000 nM). The *marks the transition to HEPES buffer, and **marks the transition to HEPES(−) to initiate surface regeneration. (B) Relative resonance wavelength shift as a function of fVIIa concentration for each Nanodisc type. Equation (1) was used for fitting. Error bars represent standard deviation of at least n = 4 microrings. Plots generated in RStudio 1.1.453 and R 3.5.1 ( using the ‘ggplot2’ package.